Everyone involved at The People’s Mosquito has been saddened to hear of the recent passing of Glyn Powell in New Zealand.
Our thoughts are very much with his family and friends at this time.
Glyn Powell was the father of the modern-day de Havilland Mosquito. Seven years before the tragic loss of RR299, Glyn was among several aviation enthusiasts in New Zealand who came up with the idea of resurrecting Mosquito restoration. Many said it was impossible, Glyn single-handedly proved them all wrong.
It took many years of research, commitment and passion for de Havilland’s iconic design before Glyn was able to finalise his stunning fuselage moulds.
In subsequent years, the return to flight of KA114, TV959 and most recently PZ474 have underlined what a remarkable man Glyn was.
All three aircraft remain a fitting tribute not only to the team at Avspecs, but to the man who made it all possible. Glyn’s vision and sheer doggedness in getting the job done is the reason why The People’s Mosquito exists – even though we have chosen a different path to returning a DH.98 Mosquito to UK skies.
We salute a man whose love for the Mosquito was clear to all. Thank you Glyn.
Image (c) Michelle Hyslop.
l had the pleasure of meeting Glyn 3 times when we went to New Zealand, l found him to be a true and down to earth person, on one time we visited from Australia, l took my personal copy of the book by David Vincent called THE MOSQUITO MONOGRAPH to show him, he asked where l got it from, as he had been trying for over 20 years to get a copy, am happy to say that l was able to obtain a pristine copy signed by the author for him !!!
It is, indeed, a sad day for all those who love the Mosquito. Glyn’s determination and incredible vision has been an inspiration to all those involved in the cause of Mosquito restoration.