Building the first De Havilland Mosquito in the UK in more than 70 years!
The De Havilland DH.98 Mosquito enjoys legendary status. This exemplar of British aeronautical design genius is moulded around its graceful lines, its unmatched performance and unrivalled versatility. Unquestionably, the De Havilland Mosquito’s story deserves to be told.
Working with world-renowned aircraft restoration company Retrotec Ltd, we are writing the Mosquito’s next chapter. Thanks to worldwide public support, we are moving forward with the fuselage production of the iconic ‘Mossie’.
With your help, the first UK Built Mosquito in more than 70 Years could be flying as early as 2027!
The collection of more than 22,300 original De Havilland technical drawings are being used to produce
computer-aided design drawings and profiles to assist in the upcoming work, the materials are on hand and the skilled craftsmen are ready to go – all that is needed now is the money to make the next part a reality.
To help us to complete this historic undertaking, we’re offering you the chance
to add your name to the Mosquito story, we call it … Operation Overlord.
Our target for Operation Overlord is £600,000 by April 2025
You can support us with regular donations or one-off lump sums and there are exclusive levels of support for those seeking to secure their place in the story of the Mosquito forevermore.
Operation Overlord is an opportunity that no one should miss.
Did you see our Royal Visit on BBC Breakfast?
The Princess Royal visited the factory to see the build and met Mosquito Veteran, George Dunn DFC, LdH.
We realise that not everyone can afford a big lump sum, so one of the best ways to support the ongoing build is to become a Regular Donor. Regular Donors help keep the momentum going and you can be sure that the maximum amount from each pound donated goes towards the build.
Starting from as little as £5 per Month
Donate as little as £5 per month and once you have donated £50 we’ll send you an Operation Overlord pin badge and Donors Certificate to show our appreciation.
Roll of Honour
Once you have donated £500 we’ll add your name, or a name in memoriam, to our Roll of Honour which will be on permanent display with the aircraft.
If you would like to donate more then please see our Executive Sponsors below.
If you have any queries, please reach out to us at
NB. If you’re already a regular donor through our previous campaigns, don’t worry, you can stay on your current campaign.
A Unique Opportunity
Become an
Executive Sponsor
Memories to last a lifetime. In recognition of your incredible support, you will have the unique opportunity to be personally recognised on the Roll of Honour and enjoy unrivalled access to the first UK-built Mosquito in more than 70 years when she takes to the skies once again. On top of this, we will also give you an opportunity to jump the queue when we start making passenger flights.
» An invitation to have your name or a memorial name on the Mosquito Roll of Honour.
» Early bird queue option for a flight in RL249. You will have priority access to a flight in The People’s Mosquito.
» A VIP invitation to the maiden flight of RL249.

“Airbus is a strong believer in preserving wider aviation heritage and we are proud to be supporting The People’s Mosquito in this endeavour. For us the Mosquito is more than a beautiful and iconic aircraft, Airbus has a direct relationship to it as more than 90 were built at our Broughton factory in Flintshire. That passion and dedication is reflected today in our skilled workforce whose talents are focused on building wings for the Airbus commercial aircraft fleet.”
– Jeremy Greaves, Vice President, Corporate Affairs and Strategy, Airbus UK.

Corporate Support
We are keen to explore corporate sponsorship, both within and outside of the aviation industry.
To receive a free copy of our Investor Prospectus and an opportunity to discuss the ways in which we could work together, please complete this contact form.
“Any attempt to restore, particularly to flying status, a Mosquito would be a real gift to our heritage”
– Capt Eric “Winkle” Brown RN,
Patron-in-Memoriam of The People’s Mosquito.
A Word on the Mosquito From Those Who Know

Flt Lt Colin Bell DFC
608 Squadron
LNSF 8 Group Pathfinder Force
“My first impression: What a sleek and beautiful aircraft. If it looks good, it will fly good – and it did.
My abiding memory of the Mosquito was of a superbly efficient and responsive warplane. It was a joy to fly.
Was I grateful for being in a Mosquito? All the time. It could outfly any propeller-driven enemy night fighter.
The Mosquito saved my skin many times, never so much as when I was being chased by an enemy jet fighter. The Mosquito’s speed and manoeuvrability were superb and resulted in the enemy abandoning the pursuit.
What would it mean to me to have a Mossie flying again over the U.K? A great deal indeed. Seeing a Mosquito at future air displays would allow a younger generation to see for themselves what an outstanding and impressive aircraft it is.”

Flt Lt Des Curtis DFC
618 Squadron
“Unquestionably, the De Havilland Mosquito was the finest multi-role aircraft in the world in the 1940s. Sadly, the tragic loss of RR299 on 21 July 1996 at Barton deprived the generations in Britain since then of the opportunity to enjoy seeing a Mosquito at the air displays. In the minds of many, the RAF in World War II is defined by the Spitfire, Hurricane and the Lancaster.
The public deserves to know more of this aircraft, and The People’s Mosquito project is the most practical way of achieving this. I hope to live long enough to see an overfly, and to hear again the unique sound of the twin Merlin engines, of this wonderful plane. Top of my bucket list.”

Flt Lt George Dunn DFC LdH
608 Sqn, 1409 Met. Flt.
Speaking on BBC1 Breakfast in early 2023.
“Beautiful, versatile, you had everything: speed, height, you name it, it was there. It was my favourite aircraft. I’ve flown Spitfires and that, but the Mosquito was absolutely out of this world.
I can’t believe that the aircraft is being renovated, resurrected and is going to fly again. Unfortunately, I don’t think I’ll still be here when it is completed.”
The whole team would love to prove George wrong.

To Fly, To Educate, To Remember
A registered charity, The People’s Mosquito exists to return the De Havilland Mosquito to UK skies. A diverse team of professionals from a wide range of commercial backgrounds, the charity is entirely run and managed by volunteers – united in our love of the Wooden Wonder.
In 2018, The People’s Mosquito took the bold step to build RL249 in the UK, the De Havilland Mosquito’s spiritual home.
That decision was made possible thanks to our collection of more than 22,330 original De Havilland Mosquito drawings. Records stretch from the development of the Mosquito prototype W4050, in 1940, through to late-life modifications made in 1996. It represents the largest collection of original De Havilland Mosquito-related technical data anywhere in the world.
With a support base that now spans the globe, but is naturally focused on the UK, the charity is working towards a five-year restoration of RL249 with our partners, Retrotec.
Our Ambassadors
Our Ambassadors are ‘movers and shakers’ and keen supporters of the project who are delighted to indicate their involvement by helping to promote the building of a De Havilland Mosquito here in the UK to their followers, peers, colleagues and friends at every opportunity.

Craftsmanship, Authenticity and Unparalleled Quality
Retrotec has an almost unrivalled reputation within the historic aviation world. The company’s collective dedication to the highest standards of authenticity and craftsmanship in their restorations is recognised across the globe. They set a benchmark standard for the whole historic aviation community.
Under the expert guidance of Guy Black, Retrotec has established a reputation for delivering some of the most authentic aircraft restorations in the world over the past 30+ years. The business, which is fully accredited by the UK Civil Aviation Authority, offers services including design, parts manufacture and reconstruction of complete aircraft, all delivered by highly experienced engineers.
The East Sussex-based company has already delivered several iconic restorations to UK skies while the team’s experience of working with wooden airframes is second to none.
Retrotec has full UK Civil Aviation Authority accreditation, with A8-20 approval underpinned by CAA A8-21 (Manufacturing and Design) and A8-25 (Maintenance) accreditation. As a result, it is capable of not just design, but also the manufacture of aircraft parts and engine components.
This unmatched expertise has been instrumental in returning several stunning restorations to the air, including two Hawker Furys, a 1935 Hawker Nimrod II and most recently, two AirCo DH9 WW1 bombers – one of which, E8894, is now the only original World War One bomber flying in the world. In addition, Guy Black and his team have delivered several outstanding static restorations, which can now be viewed at museums across the world.
Today, moving the De Havilland story on by 22 years from 1918 to 1940, Retrotec is working with The People’s Mosquito to return Captain Sir Geoffrey De Havilland’s seminal masterpiece to UK skies once again.
By harnessing The People’s Mosquito’s vast collection of technical data, Retrotec has used original De Havilland lofting drawings to form the classic Mosquito fuselage moulds. Approximately £90,000 has been invested in the construction of the two moulds to date. Now, we need your help to complete this historic work and allow us to move on to the construction of RL249’s airframe!

What Was Operation Overlord?
Operation Overlord, often referred to simply as D-Day, was the codename for the Allied invasion of
Normandy during World War II. It was the largest amphibious assault in history and a pivotal turning
point in the war, ultimately leading to the liberation of Western Europe from Nazi occupation. Here’s
an overview of Operation Overlord:
Planning and Preparation: The planning for Operation Overlord began years before the actual
invasion took place. Allied leaders, primarily from the United States, United Kingdom, and Canada,
developed a comprehensive strategy to invade German-occupied Western Europe. Extensive
preparations included training troops, amassing equipment and supplies, and deceiving the Germans
about the invasion’s location and timing through elaborate deception operations, such as Operation
The Invasion Force: The invasion force consisted of approximately 156,000 Allied troops from
various nations, primarily the United States, the United Kingdom, Canada, and other Commonwealth
countries. They were organized into two main assault forces: the American-led First United States
Army, assigned to land on Omaha and Utah beaches, and the British-led Second British Army, tasked
with landing on Sword, Gold, and Juno beaches.
D-Day: The invasion began on June 6, 1944, with airborne and amphibious landings along the
Normandy coast of France. In the early hours of the morning, thousands of paratroopers and glider-
borne troops were dropped behind enemy lines to secure key objectives and disrupt German
defences. Shortly afterwards, naval vessels bombarded German coastal defences, and landing craft
carrying infantry and armoured units approached the beaches under heavy fire.
Beach Landings: The landings took place on five designated sectors of the Normandy coast,
codenamed Utah, Omaha, Gold, Juno, and Sword beaches. Despite initial difficulties, Allied troops
managed to establish beachheads and push inland.
Consolidation and Breakout: Over the following days and weeks, Allied forces consolidated their
positions, expanded their beachheads, and conducted breakout operations to penetrate deeper into
Normandy. They faced stiff German resistance, including intense fighting in the hedgerow country of
Normandy. However, Allied air superiority, logistical superiority, and overwhelming numerical
superiority eventually tipped the balance in their favour.
Liberation of France: The successful establishment of the Normandy beachheads allowed the Allies
to launch a broader offensive into German-occupied France. This eventually led to the liberation of
Paris on August 25, 1944, and the rapid advance of Allied forces across Western Europe, culminating
in the defeat of Nazi Germany in May 1945.
Operation Overlord remains one of the most well-known and celebrated military operations in
history, symbolising the Allied commitment to defeating Nazi tyranny and restoring freedom to
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Contact Us
We’d love to have an opportunity to discuss the project with you. Please fill out the contact form below and we’ll get back to you.
Terms and Conditions – the Dreaded Small Print
i) Excess Funds
» Any donations received beyond those needed to complete the fuselage shells will be channelled into funding the next stage of the aircraft build programme.
ii) Visit to Retrotec’s Facility
» The named individual, plus a guest, will be invited to attend Retrotec’s facility on a specified date.
» Every effort will be made to provide alternate dates should the offered date be unsuitable.
» In the event of a cancellation due to production commitments or other events outside of our control, alternate dates will be offered.
» Retrotec’s facility is a working factory. Visitors will be required to follow the site’s safety rules at all times.
» Any special needs pertaining to the visit must be notified in advance. Every effort will be made to facilitate these requirements but this may not always be possible.
iii) Regular Donations
» The accumulated total of the donations received to a campaign by the same donor, as defined by their name & address, will be used to determine the level of supporter package received by the donor.
» The package received will be that with the closest value below the total of donations to date. For example, a sum of £70 received earns a £60 Bronze package, and a sum of £200 received earns a £180 Silver Package. Package values for Operation Overlord are Bronze £60, Silver £180, Gold £540, Diamond £3,000 and Platinum £6,000.
» The donor may elect to “cash-in” their donations for the reward package achieved at that time and start accumulating a new donations total.
» As each campaign finishes, a donor may elect to carry their total donations across to the next campaign or continue donating to their current campaign at their discretion.
» The People’s Mosquito Ltd. reserves the right to amend the rewards and/or qualifying thresholds between campaigns.
iv) Invitation for two to a Supporters’ Gala Dinner
» A three-course dinner including a bottle of wine for 2 people at a suitable aviation-themed location, on a date to be confirmed.
» Travel and hotel accommodation is not included.
» The dinner is subject to a minimum viable number of participants.
» Participants must be 18 years or over.
» A dress code will apply.
» Additional tickets may be purchased through The People’s Mosquito.
iv) Early Bird Queue Option for a Flight in a Mossie
» The applicant has an option for a priority position ahead of non-Platinum supporters on the waiting list for a paid flight in Mosquito RL249.
» The cost of the paid passenger flight is not included.
» Paid flights are subject to The People’s Mosquito Ltd. obtaining all necessary and relevant permits, permissions and insurances to enable the carriage of fare-paying passengers.
» Any flight would be subject to the individual signing a consent form in accordance with CAA Safety Standards Acknowledgement and Consent form (SSAC).
v) Taxi Ride in Mosquito RL249
» The applicant has an option for a taxi ride in Mosquito RL249 once completed to an airworthy state.
» Taxi rides are subject to The People’s Mosquito obtaining all necessary and relevant permits, permissions and insurances to enable the carriage of fare-paying passengers.
» Any taxi ride would be subject to the individual signing a consent form in accordance with CAA Safety Standards Acknowledgement and Consent form (SSAC).
vi) VIP Invitation to the Maiden Public Flight
» The date and time of the maiden, public flight are to be confirmed
» The date and/or time of the flight may be subject to change at short notice due to, for example, technical issues or weather.
» Individuals are required to comply with all relevant venue safety rules in force at the time.
» Travel and hotel accommodation are not included.
The People’s Mosquito Ltd. reserves the right to amend and update these terms and conditions at any time.