OK folks, here’s the answer to our latest
Mind-boggling Mossie Mystery:
What connects Nell Gwyn, Winston Churchill and the Mosquito?
As many of you have rightly posted, the answer is, of course, Salisbury Hall.

Nell Gwyn (or Gwynn or Gwynne depending on source), Charles II’s most famous mistress, was reputedly “installed” at a cottage within the grounds of Salisbury Hall by the King. Nell’s ghost is said to haunt the Hall.
From 1905 the young Winston Churchill, future Prime Minister and war leader, was a regular visitor to Salisbury Hall where his mother and step-father lived. He apparently once shot a large pike in the moat!
And finally, as you are all no doubt aware, Salisbury Hall is where De Havilland’s DH.98 Mosquito was born in September 1939.