Hello. Welcome to our visitors book. Please show your support or comment by leaving a message in the comment field below.

Thanks for your support.

The People’s Mosquito Team

563 thoughts on “Say Hello”

  1. Robert Harding

    Would be amazing to have a flying example in the UK. Look forward to a flypast of RAF Bradwell Bay (just up the road from me) where they flew from.

  2. Just opened my father’s copy of Newnes Engineer’s Manual…

    It has those unmistakeable letters on the inside cover: DH DO
    followed by his name and date: A.G.Bryant July 1940

    He was an aircraft designer / draughtsman and did talk about the Mosquito.

    If you do come across his signature on any of the drawings, I’d be very interested.

  3. Wolfgang Bechtel

    Hi folks,

    It’s a great idea to get a british mossi back into air! I am vice-president of a bayarian “heritage” holocaust memorial site at Landsberg am Lech and I want to support your peoples mosquito. Its more than an excellent british plane, its a great gift for the freedom in Europe!
    I think it should be possible to fly over the most important memorial stations of WW2 like Auschwitz, Dachau and Landberg? In the last years we lost nearly all contemporary witnesses – except planes like the DH 98.
    And what are we fighting for today? There are enough reasons to remember and to refresh!

    Wolfgang Bechtel, Bavaria, Landsberg

    1. System Administrator

      Thanks Wolfgang. We certainly plan to be able to display in Europe. Obviously at this stage that’s quite a way off in the future and depends on certification in Europe.

    1. People's Mosquito

      We’re in early discussions with several potential locations, but as it’s still while away before we need to make a decision, we’ve not advanced those early discussions far at this stage. There’s naturally considerable interest in providing a home for The People’s Mosquito, and we have a detailed specification for our own needs when we begin operations. In that respect, we’re being guided by experienced warbird operators such as Historic Aircraft Collection (via Guy Black) as well as our own Operations Director, W/Cdr (Rtd) Bill Ramsey.

      While Mr Wheatcroft is respected as an avid collector of WWII memorabilia, especially vehicles, the collection is private and not open to the public. It’s our aim to provide as unfettered access as we can to RL249 when she is completed, to help educate as many as we can about the role this important aircraft played in not only winning the war, but pioneering new composite methods used in today’s aerospace industry. That heritage should be shared as widely as possible. Naturally, we’d be delighted to speak to Mr Wheatcroft and bring him up to speed on what we’re doing and Retrotec’s work, so if you have any connections…?

      The TPM Team

  4. Douglas Houston

    I wonder if anyone can help me findeout any more about this. The Tetse had the 6-pounder.
    “At least one 32-pdr was developed as an anti-tank gun on a wheeled carriage and a single example using a novel form of muzzle brake was installed in a Mosquito FB Mk. XVIII as an up-gunned version of the ‘Tsetse’, in place of the 57 mm Molins gun. While flight trials did not take place until after the war had ended, the aircraft flew and the gun fired without problems.”

    Does anyone know where I can find out more about this? I’ve never seen a pic of it, or its specifications. Presumably it had an autoloader? Did Molins build that too?

    1. Hi Doug,
      Have just read your message with regards to an upgunned version of the Tse-Tse. Like yourself, I have read the rumours but alas no evidence has ever come to like regarding drawings/photos etc. it would have been a natural step to see what was possible with this marvellous aircraft especially so as I believe the Germans had an aircraft fitted with the famous 88mm gun.
      I have found the same difficulty regarding the installation of the Molins Gun in the Tse-tse for the Airfix 1/24 scale model I am currently building complete with the Molins gun and Autoloader. This will be displayed on a diorama depicting a gun change to show the Molins gun in detail as you will not see much of it with it in the actual aircraft.

  5. Hi,
    I’ve abridged a text I wrote when trying to sell a package on ebay, one I feel may be useful to your project and, If of sufficient for you to pay the postage I’ll donate FOC. If this seems likely to you; email me back and I’ll provide a full description.
    If not of direct interest, likely you’ll be able to sell them on: I saw one similar go for >£400 at an auction some time ago.
    Best Regards

    I have four genuine 1942 vintage Heywood type air compressors of the type used to equip some Rolls Royce Merlin engines as fitted to some second world war DeHavilland Mosquito and Supermarine Spitfire aircraft. Three are virtually complete fully assembled units: one is nearly complete but is disassembled and missing one half the crank case. There are also two piston plus con. rod assemblies complete with big end shells and bearings. The second, it is thought belonging to the third unit, this being apparent (without having disassembled it) because it is somewhat lighter than the other two. There are also some provenance viz.
    Two of the original Packard boxes are available: one with a sticker detailing contract information and the supply destination. There is also a manufacturer’s test/acceptance report as wired to the item supplied. This latter item is dated 09/Dec/1943 and retains traceability via. the serial number stamped on the unit: to one of the assembled compressor included in the batch. The test report names the manufacturer as Gales Products Inc. of Galesburgh Illinois. Similarities in the serial numbers stamped on the flange back face lead one to believe that the three assembled units all emanate from the same manufacturer.
    The fourth unit is of slightly different design and carries a makers plate issued by The Eclipse Aviation Division of the Bendix Aviation Corporation of Bendix New Jersey. This plate carries sufficient information to establish traceability of the component. In all cases the splined shaft which takes the drive from the engine is absent.

    1. People's Mosquito

      Hi Ian,

      Many thanks for contacting the team and for your most generous offer of support. We would be delighted to pick up this conversation and see if it’s possible to arrange shipment. I’m sure Guy Black at Retrotec would be most interest to see hwat you have and we might be able to put some of them to good use.

      We’ll email you separately on this matter.

      Kind regards,
      The TPM Team

  6. Hi,

    I was wondering when somebody would do something with all those found technical drawings!

    I’ll wait patiently to come see it fly.

    Question: Once you’ve built one, can you build more? Are you permanently limited by the fact that you can’t build Merlins anymore? Or the vintage avionics, switch gear and controls? And why can’t you fly it high and fast? Next you’ll be telling me it’s not even armed…

    Maybe one day we’ll build them with modern aero V12s and civilian avionics. Not the same of course, but it’s nice thought I think.
    Ooh, make a turboprop one!


    PS: Move the comment form to the top of the page, pain on a phone.

    1. People's Mosquito

      Hi Jim,

      Thanks for your message and apologies for the delay in replying! In answer to your question, in theory yes – once we have new fuselage moulds in place, we have the capability to build new Mosquito airframes in the UK again. However, our focus is purely on restoration of RL249 and its subsequent operations by a charitable trust for decades to come.

      In terms of Merlin availability, it’s true they don’t grow on trees and spare part availability is a major constraint. However, supplies and parts are available, with the right connections and resource in place.

      I hope that answers your questions. Thanks again for the support!
      The TPM Team

  7. I just today learned about this project and I love it. My grandfather was a metallurgist for DH and worked on the *cough* ‘wooden wonder’. It made me as a kid, already obsessed with ww2 air-frames, enormously proud. I’ll stick these patches on my bike jacket and wear them with pride, remembrance and the hope that one day i’ll get to see and hear this icon of ingenuity fly over my head!
    Thanks to everyone involved for keeping this part of history (and more personally, a part of my grandfathers legacy) in our lives.

    – S Gibbs

    1. People's Mosquito

      Many thanks for the support and words of encouragement Simon.

      With every passing day awareness of the Mossie is growing and as the build gets underway in earnest there’ll be lots of news to share in the months ahead.

      The TPM Team

  8. nicholas kent

    Pedant’s Corner: In your Plan you use the word “loathe” when it should be spelt “loth”. A small point but it would look more professional to avoid common errors like that !
    Re. George Washington’s spade: apart from the data plate will there be any bits of the original ‘plane taking to the skies, such as the pictured cannon mounts or exhaust stubs ?
    Finally, sorry if I missed it, but what was the home base in the 1944 colour film ? Could it have been Hunsdon near Ware ?
    Fantastic project, well done and good luck.

    Nicholas Kent.

    1. People's Mosquito

      Hi Nicholas,

      Thank you for the good wishes and for the correction on The Plan. You are quite correct … this error slipped through some time ago now and so thank you for highlighting it. My preference is to use the more widely used ‘loath’.

      In answer to your question, in all likelihood the cannon shrouds will be the only original component from RL249 we will be able to install on the restored aircraft. Unlike some other aircraft, Mosquitoes didn’t have data plates. The identity of RL249, and therefore the reason the UK CAA classify the project as a restoration, is due to the fact that we own the mortal remains of RL249. Over the past few years, we have however continued to source original de Havilland Mosquito components from other airframes and sources and continue to do so.

      Regarding the colour film of the August 1944 raid on Deelen Airfield, 627 Squadron departed from RAF Woodhall Spa.

      Kind regards,
      Stewart Charman
      Communications Director

      1. If I might elaborate on one point? There is no such thing as a data plate for a De Havilland Mosquito as there was with many other aircraft of the WW2 period, because of the dispersed nature of the production methods (over 400 contractors and sub-contractors). It would have been impossible to give primacy to any one supplier for any one airframe. In the majority of cases, major components were mixed and matched from many sources. You will find identity plates on individual components regarding their manufacture, but no singular ‘data plate’.

  9. Vernon Harley

    My Grandfather, Captain Clyde M Harley D.F.C, was a Mosquito pilot and wrote a book on his adventures that may be worth sharing and potentially used for raising more funds for the build.
    Please let me know.
    Best Regards,
    Vernon Clyde Harley.

    1. People's Mosquito

      Hi Vernon,

      Thanks for contacting the project team. I believe you have received a reply directly from members of the board regarding your grandfather’s memoirs. Thank you for bringing them to our attention.

      Kind regards,
      Stewart Charman
      Communications Director

  10. Robert Grattan

    Rather belatedly, I have signed up to your website.

    I was a navigator on 23 Squadron when it was equipped with the Mosquito 36. My last trip was 7th July 1952 in RK998 when we ferried a repaired aircraft from Leavesden to Horsham St Faith. I had previously flown in the T3 and FB6 at Swinderby. I was crewed with Chris Brooksbank who subsequently lost his life in a Javelin collision at night.

    Best of luck with the rebuild

    Bob Grattan

    1. People's Mosquito

      Hi Bob,

      Many thanks for your contact and reaching out to the project. I’m not sure if you’re aware, but RL249 was a Mosquito NF.36 on 23 Squadron strength when she was lost at RAF Coltishall in 1949. We would very much like to hear more about your time on Mossies if you’d be willing to share some memories?

      Would you mind if I contacted you directly, via email?

      Kind regards,
      Stewart Charman
      Communications Director
      The People’s Mosquito

  11. David Cholerton

    Does anyone know why some Mosquitos have 5 exhaust stubs? – the rear two being siamesed together. I have been trying to find out for some time but no-one seems to be able to give the real reason. Hoping you can help.

    Best regards


    1. People's Mosquito

      Hi David, Thanks for your question. The reason the last two exhaust stubs are Siamesed together is simple. It brings forward the exit point of the closest plume of exhaust by approximately 7 inches. This is just enough to reduce the impingement of the hot gases on the inboard side of the engine on the engine radiator/oil cooler/cabin heat exchanger which are installed as a unitary block in the wing roots (on a light alloy tray!).

      The two-stage Merlin is almost exactly 7 inches longer than the single stage Merlin, so this solves, rather elegantly, the potential over-heating problem!

  12. A fund-raising suggestion — would you consider making poster-sized prints of some of the drawings? Maybe one of the general arrangement drawingsm I would buy 3 immediately – one for my home, one for my workplace, and one for the Flying Heritage & Combat Armor Museum (home of TV959/NS838)

    1. I’ve suggested this in the past : the Imp Club produce A4 prints of technical drawings for interested parties to purchase. Its a great idea, and one that should be receiving a bit more attention than it seems to have done so far 🙁

      1. People's Mosquito

        Hi Andrew,

        Our focus at the moment is on utilising our collection of drawings as a technical resource to support the build. We’ve already produced limited edition runs on some of the drawings and this will be something we’ll look at when we’ve leveraged them to support our engineering plans.

        The TPM Team

  13. Hi
    Met you guys at FIA18 on Wednesday. Mannny many thanks for this fantastic news.
    I am involves in vintage jet preservation mainly Lightnings as that is where my expertise lies.
    It realy is high time a Mozzy joined the fleet supported by BBMF in some way.
    That aircrat was ahead of its time and indirectly was responcible for a lot of the pain inflicted on the German war machien by its path finder role in the war.
    From 1968 to 1977, I was a civi tech. at 30MU RAF Sealand and the Harwden based mozzy was a regular site in out skyes. Mmmmm nice a so many of our older workmates had served when it was still in service.
    Many thanks from all of us.

    1. People's Mosquito

      Hi Rod, thanks for the support!

      We completely agree regarding the value of the Mosquito. As for BBMF getting involved, taking on a completely new aircraft type, especially during when budgets are already so tight, would be very challenging. hence the importance of charities such as ourselves.

      We’re working hard to advance our plans and build the first Mosquito in the UK for more than 75 years, restoring the ability to create new airframes here, where the aircraft was conceived and made its name, for future generations to cherish.

      Keep up the great work preserving the Lightning – another iconic British design sadly missing from our display circuit these days. Such a great aircraft to see at displays in the past and many a great day was spent at the end of the runway at Binbrook.

      Kind regards from all at TPM.

  14. Good morning, I work at Cotswold AIrport at Kemble I saw your stand at Fairford and wanted to let you know about the Cotswold AIrport Revival Weekend at the end of September. Would it be possible to have an email address to send you some information that will hopefully be of interest to you. Thanks in advance, Nick Payne

    1. People's Mosquito

      Evening Nick,

      Thanks for contacting the team. Yes, please do share details of the event – we’ll take a look at the team’s calendar and see if it’s of interest. Could you send details to info@peoplesmosquito.org.uk – one of the board will be able to pick that up and we’ll get back to you.

      Many thanks,
      The TPM Team

  15. Hi (This is my second attempt at posting this message. Hope it works this time!).

    I picked up your leaflet at the Fairford Air Display on Friday and was thrilled at the prospect of seeing a Mosquito take to the shies again.

    My mother (who is now 94) worked on the construction of Mosquito fuselages at Lawrence’s Joinery Works in Sawbridgeworth, Herts during the war. She has many tales, and a few photographs of the time. Would you be interested in gleaning any further insight from her? There can surely be very few people left with such an experience.

    Best wishes

    John Sweet

    1. People's Mosquito

      Hi John,

      Message received loud and clear! Thanks for coming by the stand at Fairford – hope you enjoyed the show and the chance to meet some of the team and hear a little more about our incredible plans.

      We would be delighted to hear more about your mother’s experiences. As Communications Director I’m always on the look out for original Mosquito-related stories for our Club journal, Mossie Bites. I would be fascinated to hear your mother’s recollections from her time working on Mossie fuselages – especially as we’re about to embark on building the first moulds in the UK for more than 75 years! Would you be able to drop me a line via stewart@peoplesmosquito.org.uk and we can pick up the conversation to see what’s possible?

      Kind regards,

  16. Hi

    I posted a comment a few minutes ago and expected to see it at the foot of this list? There is no sign of it? I left the site and returned in case this was necessary for updating but still nothing.
    Can someone advise me please?

    Many thanks.

    John Sweet

    1. People's Mosquito

      Hi John,

      All messages come to the site admins first for review and approval – hence the delay in seeing it appear. Hopefully you’ve received my earlier reply regarding your mother’s memories.

      Best, Stewart

  17. Christopher Packard

    I have recently visited the dehaviland museum Hatfield and the IWM Duxford where I visited your stand and spoke to your lovely group of volunteers. My late father who left us at 93yrs. Was major engine maintenance PPF at granston lodge he was close support to 142sqn Vancouver PF the only non British pathfinder group of which the Canadian Lancaster still flying and came the other unfortunately dad just missed out. They have Packard Merlins.
    Also Stationed at granston lodge were the newly converted Mosquitoes from the well know 142sqn. My father also gave close support. He even flew a number of sorties as flight engineer on of which he recalled was Cologne.

    The mosquito is the finest produced civil contract for air ministry approval and excelled as “A truce multirole” combat aircraft. Many since have tried back still just falling short.

    I leave this message as a testament to my late father Sgt Frank “Leslie” PACKARD. Now you can see the beautiful way my story and links to these aircraft hold such an emotional pull.

    I am happy for you to post this msg. Sorry I don’t have any social media accounts.

    1. People's Mosquito

      Many thanks for contacting the team Christopher and for stopping by to say hello at Duxford.

      Do you have any photos of your father from his service days? IF so, we would be happy to post your message in honour of his service and his love of the Mosquito.

      Best wishes,
      The TPM Team.

  18. While helping out at Duxford it was suggested I contact Ross regarding Mosquito Nose Art for a 1600mm balsa/ply radio controlled mosquito I have that has picked up a little hanger rash on the port side. F for Freddie is a little OTT and Hairless Joe a little the other way.
    I have tried looking for Ross’s email but cant find it on the web site.

    Good quality photos of the port side cockpit without the port engine obscuring the view seem hard to find. Please email if you need any further information

    Thanks for your time

  19. Zack Baughman


    I just spoke to Ross Sharp on the phone regarding the Mosquito on display at the EAA Aviation Museum. I believe he may have gotten an extra letter in my email address when he took it down. It is zbaughman at eaa.org. Many thanks.
    Zack Baughman
    EAA Aviation Museum Curator

    1. People's Mosquito

      Hi Zack,

      Thanks for contacting the team. I’ve passed that onto Ross, who believe has since been in touch with you.

      Kind regards,
      The TPM Team

  20. Andrew Wolfenden

    Do any of the committee live in or near south Oxfordshire, we (NBRMAS) are looking for people to give interesting talks about anything aviation. and the peoples Mosquito would fit into the category well.

    1. Alan Pickford

      Hi Andrew,

      I live just outside Southampton and so would be delighted to come and give a talk about the project. I am actually booked to give a talk to the Oxford branch of the Light Aircraft Association on Wednesday May 8th. Please e-mail me (alan.pickford@peoplesmosquito.org.uk) and let’s see what we can arrange.
      Looking forward to hearing from you.
      Alan Pickford
      Director of Finance

  21. John Hassell.

    I have been interested in aviation since I was a small boy, particularly WW2 aircraft. Naturally, the Mossie is a great favourite. It will be a great day when a British mossie is back in the sky again, I feel that it will be a great crowd puller at the air shows, as was the Vulcan.
    Unfortunately, I am at present unable to make any form of donation, as I am unemployed. However this situation will change shortly. I will most definitely make a contribution at that time.

    1. People's Mosquito

      Hi John,

      Many thanks for contacting the team and lending us your support. Appreciate for many, it can be difficult to spare cash at times and sorry to hear about your current situations. However, your clear passion for the Mosquito and desire to help us at some point in the future are very much appreciated. If you’re able to later in the season, try to pop along and say hello at one of the airshows on our 2018 calendar.

      All the best,
      The TPM Team

  22. Carlos Elias

    Hello, to where can i email you? I would like to make a proposal to raise funds, but would like it to be private for now.



      1. richard hickmott

        Hiya. Just found your site. Very interested to read the prospect of seeing a Mosquito flying in the future. As a WWII researcher – my father flew with Coastal Command – and I have a connection with Barnes Wallis’s family. The ‘Mossie’ was used in test dropping Wallis’s “Highball” bouncing bomb. It’ll be great to see a Mosquito outside of a static display.

        Very much looking forward to reading updates in the future.

        Best wishes, Richard

        1. People's Mosquito

          Evening Richard,

          Thanks for getting in touch. We’re always interested in hearing from former aircrew and their families. Where did your father serve and was he operational on Mosquitoes or other aircraft types?

          As for the Highball programme, you’re absolutely right, this was another fascinating chapter in the Mosquito’s incredible story and once again underlined the versatility of the airframe. Thankfully 618 squadron crews were never asked to run up against Japanese capital ships in the Pacific.

          Thanks for your words of encouragement and ongoing support. Momentum and public awareness is building nicely.

          Best wishes,
          The TPM Team

  23. Good evening All
    I believe I am in a position to maybe help at some point in this great venture.
    My name is Martin Lee and I am the senior engineer for a company called CMYUK Ltd in Shrewsbury and I have at my disposal many large format digital printers that will print from 40mm to 3200mm on rigid and roll to roll materials, the roll to roll materials from a thickness from 40gsm up to 1mm and the rigid material printers up to a thickness of 50mm.
    If I can be of any help in this restoration project free of charge then please drop me a line.

    1. People's Mosquito

      Many thanks Martin, I’ve passed on your very kind offer to our Director of Engineering and Airframe Compliance for a more informed response. We will revert back in due course, but in the meantime, thank you for the fantastic offer and for the vote of confidence in this British engineering adventure.

    2. Just a thought : The Imp Club have of recent months offered A1 sized prints of technical drawings pertaining to interesting parts and layouts of the Hillman Imp, on a limited run basis. Perhaps this could be offered as a source of extra revenue with Mosquito tech drawings too ?

      1. People's Mosquito

        Cheers for the suggestion Andy! Will have to give that some serious consideration and perhaps sound Martin out about it.

        The TPM team.

    3. People's Mosquito

      Many thanks for the most generous offer of support Martin. With the airshow season fast approaching we might well have some need to take you up on most generous offer.

      Can you give us a few days and we’ll get back to you?

      The TPM Team.

  24. I got my love of flying and airplanes from my father, Flight Sargent Earl Alexander Ridley, who was posted to Comox, British Columbia flying coastal patrol during the second world war. When he was posted to Rockcliffe in Ottawa, Ontario I first saw the Mossie in the air museum there, I was 5 at the time. There were three planes there I loved from first sight, a Spitfire, a Lancaster and the Mosquito. The mosquito I loved most of all and hoped to see one fly one day. I am 61 now and I have seen several videos of Mossies flying that have been restored. I have not been close to seeing one fly in person yet. Your project is amazing, encouraging and historical. I cannot wait to see it fly and with a little luck I will be there.

    1. People's Mosquito

      Thanks for the encouragement and support Gary! She’s the People’s Mosquito – so in that respect this project is as much yours as it it ours.

  25. I do seem to remember as a child seeing a Mossie fly at an Air Display in the 70’s in the UK. My father did his national service 1947-49 in the RAF as an flight instrument tech. He worked on Mosquitos and has great affection for this aircraft to this day. He recounted to me just the other day that some USAF aircrew were visiting his station one day in their pursuit fighter aircraft of the day. They had been putting down the Mosquito as not as fast as their aircraft until one did a low level pass across the airfield, they were all in awe of its speed and agility. It would be fantastic to see an example fly again in the UK sometime soon please. Has to rate as one of the most beautiful aircraft built.

    1. People's Mosquito

      Thanks for your message Mark and thanks for the support! We quite agree – not only was the Mossie beautiful to look at, a handful to fly and deadly to those on the wrong end, she truly was groundbreaking. We think the Mosquito has been overlooked when it comes to public perceptions – we’re aiming to change all that.

  26. Peter Gregory

    I am interested in the prototype Mosquitos. As investigated by Air Research (later Ciba-Geigy) at Duxford, Cambridgeshire. Which wing-joint/s were glued in the wrong way round, please, and how was this discovered?
    Regards to the piston-engined Comet (dH88) prototype, as displayed at the ~1951 Festival of Britain.

    1. People's Mosquito

      Hi Peter,

      Thanks for reaching out to the project. I passed your question onto Ross Sharp, TPM’s Director of Engineering & Airframe Compliance to see if he could assist.

      “I am unaware of the wing being investigated by Air Research at Duxford, due to failing wing joints. I can say that de Havilland’s discovered that the front wing spars were failing due to incorrect machining of certain components, which in turn, gave rise to a poor joint and inadequate glue bonding. This failure in quality control was rectified, for the most part, by the famous ‘Mod.638′, which consisted of a length of ash glued to the front face of the front spar of the wing, to prevent the ingress of moisture.”

      Ross’ reply is obviously in reference ot the Mosquito itself, but I infer that you’re actually exploring the background to the DH.88 Comet. If you’ve to come across them previously, might I direct you towards the following Facebook group: Comet Racer Project, which is currently restoring an example. The team is currently working on restoring G-ACSP “Black Magic” to airworthy condition and their experts on the type would almost certainly be able to assist.

      Kind regards,
      The TPM Team

  27. Are you still thinking about Cambs or Lincolnshire as a base? If your aim is to allow maximum public access then these two places must rank as the least accessible – by road – parts of England that I can think of. But, great project and I wish you well with it.

    1. People's Mosquito

      Hi Richard,

      Appreciate your patience and sorry for the delay in getting back to you. I think we posted a reply to this question on our Facebook page, but there will be a new newsletter coming out after Duxford, which will be produced on a monthly basis and sent out to all subscribers and members of our TPM Club, which will provide regular updates on fundraising.

      The TPM Team

  28. The Mosquito in all its variants is my favourite aircraft of all time, being the first plane to have MRCA Multi Role Combat Aircraft Status. The forerunner to todays Panavia Tornado and Eurofighter/Typhoon respectively.

    I think it is imperative that we preserve these great aircraft for the present and future generations.

    Along with other great planes, (such as the Spitfire, Hurricane and the Lancaster to name a few) the Mosquito made a massive contribution to the allied war effort during World War 2 to curb Hitler’s Nazi menace, destroyed Nazi V1 and V2 Rocket sites, could fly with minimal crew for shorter hours duration, developed initially as the unarmed “wooden wonder”,delivered bombs without armament, further developments such as Fighter versions, Bomber, Reconnaisance, Coastal Command, Royal Navy etc.

    For a time it was the fastest aircraft of its type and yet despite being conceived on a dancefloor in Salisbury Hall received no initial recognition from the Air Ministry. De Havilland and Sir Wilfrid Freeman fortunately persisted and eventually the Air Ministry agreed and thus “Freeman’s Folly” which became the Mosquito was born and developed into the great aircraft it is today.

    I remember seeing a Mosquito fly at an airshow I watched in the 1970’s, along with Spitfires, Lancaster’s and Jet engine fighters like the Lightning, Phantom, Harrier etc..

    Therefore it must never be forgotten or passed into history, like Big Ben, the Mosquito aircraft is an icon of the British nation. Though arguable the little Mosquito is the plane that saved Britain in my opinion and many other people’s opinions too.

    It would be fantastic to see a “Mossie” fly again.

    I wish you well for your Mosquito project.

    Please keep me informed of developments.

    1. People's Mosquito

      Thank you for your kind words of encouragement and insights into the vital role of arguably Sir Geoffrey de Havilland’s seminal work.

      Everyone at The People’s Mosquito feels as you do Dave. Collectively, our aim is to unite our hundreds of international members with the many thousands of aviation enthusiasts and members of public around the world for whom the Mossie will always hold a special place in their hearts. Like you, we believe this aircraft deserves a place alongside the legendary Hurricane, Spitfire and Lancaster, but perhaps in terms of engineering audacity and sheer innovation, perhaps the Mosquito deserves a special pedestal in the history of aviation?

      Rest assured, we’ll be keeping everyone up-to-date over the coming months and years as our project progresses.

      The TPM Team.

  29. Great to hear about this project. My grandfather (David Newman) was one of the designers who worked at De Havilland on the mosquito and many other plans having started as an apprentice and worked his way up to head of department. He was interviewed for several documentaries. He would have loved to have seen on in the air again I am sure.

    Pete Wells

    1. Eleanor Cooper

      I don’t suppose he ever mentioned a Bernard Cooper (my Grandfather)? He worked on the design team for the undercarriage/landing gear and the braking system for the Mosquito and many planes after that for De Havilland. I would love to see any information on him after trying to research his career for years.

    2. Trevor Williams

      I live next door to David Newman in Knebworth for several years. A very nice man. I’m guessing you are the son of his daughter Helen.
      Trevor Williams

  30. Michael Snelling

    I am writing to ask for some assistance. My step Grandfather was Charlie Gibbons of the Pathfinder squadron who flew, amongst many other aircraft, Mosquitos in the War. My Father has all his memorabilia from those times and I fear that all will be lost over time. If you have historians who could help retain Charlie’s history I believe it would be of great benefit to our history and add to the fine record of the Mosquito and it’s part in the war.

    1. People's Mosquito

      Hello Michael many thanks for contacting us, part of our project is “to remember’ and we would be delighted to hear from you about preserving your Grandfather’s memory. Please contact our tame engineer and project historian Ross Sharp at ross@peoplesmoquito.org.uk

  31. David Erridge

    I was very interested to read about the project to build a Mosquito and wondered if you would like any help. I am a director of a company based in the UK that specialises in converting 2D drawings (loft or digital) into 3D drawings to a accuracy that can be used for a manufacturing process. We have a lot of experience in the aerospace defense market and if you believe we can assist please contact me on the email address in this communication.

    1. People's Mosquito

      Hello David thank you very much for contacting us. Since our news on the drawings broke we have had many offers to support. We have had the drawings digitised but they are not in order and we need support to sort and set up a database. Please contact us at info@peoplesmosquito.org.uk if you can support further?

  32. Hi,

    For the second time this week (Monday (flew south) & tonight Friday) something flew North over our house in Cheddar (Somerset) which has a very similar silhouette and drone (never heard one before) to that of a Mosquito.
    Is there one in the UK at the moment?
    Flight radar did not show anything, hopefully this is a hazy photo:


    Apologies if it’s a Bristol Beaufort.


    1. People's Mosquito

      Hi Adrian,

      There are no flying Mosquitoes in the UK (or Europe) at the moment, and there are also no Beauforts currently flying. Your picture shows, in my opinion, a B.35 Mitchell – probably on it’s way to or from an airshow. It doesn’t look like a Blenheim (or a Beaufort, or Mosquito, for that matter) as the nacelles visible in your photo are too long. Best guess would be a Mitchell. Hope this helps.

      Nick Horrox

  33. So as I understand it the aircraft will have some british components but all of these will be shipped to New Zealand for the final assembly. with NZ airframe parts.
    Bit of a shame.. I thought this aircraft would have been built in the UK. Being a british design and all.

    1. People's Mosquito

      Hi EP, thanks for your comment. There really is no other choice than to do go down this route. The reason we have no choice but to build the aircraft in NZ is explained on http://www.peoplesmosquito.org.uk/the-plan/ – yes, it is a shame we don’t have the technology to build it in the UK, but such is the situation and this is beyond our control. It will be built using De Havilland’s process and procedures, timber from the same Canadian plantations, etc., by people who have proven experience of building Mosquitoes, so it will be pretty much as if it just rolled off the line at Leavesden (or Hatfield, etc).


  35. I remember watching RR299 over Hawarden. I actually helped calibrate some of her instruments whilst I was at Sealand. I was supposed to get a flight, but sadly not to be. (mind you, the BBMF also owe me…)
    I have fantasised for years of seeing a Mosquito over Britain again.

    1. People's Mosquito

      Hi Tony, thanks for getting in touch. You are one of the few people who can say they worked on RR299. Such a terrible tragedy when she crashed and there are many, many people in the country who have longed to see a Mossie fly again in the UK. We are working to achieve that goal, so please spread the word at every opportunity. Many thanks again.

  36. Paul Peacock-Williams

    Just come across this website. This has to happen! The company that I am director of, and fourth generation to run, used to make wood sections for AVRO at Yeadon, and Slingsby at Kirbymoorside. My dad tells me we had a full-time Air Ministry inspector to check strength and accuracy of this wood. To see a wooden aircraft flying again………………. That would see a grown man in tears!!

    1. People's Mosquito

      Hi Paul, thanks for your note of support and encouragement for the restoration of the “Wooden Wonder’. We can tell you officially, it would see many grown men (and women) in tears! And it will happen, it’s just a matter funds and public interest. Please consider our Donate page. What does your company do now? We will also be looking into potential sponsors this year, if that would be of any interest to your company. Thanks again.

  37. Andrew Cassely

    Over the past few years I’ve watched spellbound as XH558 soared into the skies. As an aircraft enthusiast (nut) there was only one thing I wanted to see more – a flying Mosquito. So when I found your link in the VTTS newsletter I HAD to say hello.

    The reason I’m so fascinated by Mossies is that my Grandfather navigated them during the war, flying Mk VIs. I’ve always regretted that I’ve never been able to see a flying Mosquito – although the two examples now flying has made me very envious of those who are in a position to see them.

    Your project has given me hope. What really makes my day though is that you’re restoring a 23 Squadron Mossie – and my Grandad flew them with 23 squadron during the war! Not always without incident though… https://raf21squadron.files.wordpress.com/2014/05/thorney-island-crash.jpg

    The very best of luck in your endeavour – you have at least one very committed fan who will travel wherever it takes to see your wooden wonder flying again. My standing order is set up, and in the unlikely event that you can use the services of a e-learning consultant, please let me know…


    1. People's Mosquito

      Hi Andrew, thanks for getting in touch to show your support. You sound a like-minded person – there’s nothing we want to see flying again in Britain more than the Mosquito. That is a great image, thanks for sending the link – was that your grandfather’s aircraft? It certainly looks like it took a bit of a pounding. Many thanks for setting up a standing order, that’s exactly what we need from people. Would you please email details of your e-learning consultancy – we may find need for it at some stage. Please get in touch on info@peoplesmosquito.org.uk. Many thanks again.

  38. An excellent initiative – one that like other I learned of from another site. I have family links, having grown up in Hertfordshire in part due to my maternal grandfather working through the War at the de Havilland factory at Hatfield. He was involved as a tool maker on the Mosquito rigs I believe and only retired from the plant department in 1966 (I am wearing his retirement gift gold Garrard wristwatch as I write this).

    I have fond memories of the raw of the twin engines of a Mosquito flying overhead as our house was on the flight path of Salisbury Hall when we still had flying examples in this country! I can’t recall when they stopped flying (must have been sometime in the mid-70’s I would guess) but the sound as they came climbing overhead at a couple of thousand feet is something never forgotten.

    I will sign up to any email contact list you are running and will look at doing something for you via my GAYE charity account. As regards fundraising efforts, I presume despite this being The Peoples Mosquito you intend to approach companies for support too? If so I could make inquires as to who you might wish to approach from the Lloyd’s of London aviation insurance market – many involved there still have military or historical interests and might do something for the Project?

    1. People's Mosquito

      Hello and thanks for getting in touch. You are among the lucky ones who remember flying Mosquitoes. It must have been thrilling to live where you did. We are in the process of creating a Club, which will include regular communications, more details of which we will be posting soon. Yes, we will be approaching corporate sponsors as well as relying on the public, and we will be looking to start this process in the next few months. The Lloyd’s link sounds very interesting. If you have contacts there, and could point us in the right direction, that would be very good of you. Thank you for your support.

  39. The ‘Mossie’ first grabbed my attention as a boy when I watched the film ‘633 Squadron’. I was in love with the Wooden Wonder and marveled at her agility at displays while I was growing up. Even though it was unlikely I would ever see it, I was excited at the news of KA114 taking to the air. Now we will eventually regain our own airworthy ‘Mossie’ I am overjoyed. Great news!!!

  40. Delighted to read about this project today, which I found on FB. I wish you all the best in this ambitious project. I was priviledged to visit Glyn Powell’s workshop at Drury NZ a couple of years ago and see for myself the amazing work that he has done. I was also able to speak with David Phillips, a work colleague at Cathay Pacific Airways and one of the test pilots involved with KA114, about the challenge of flying this iconic aircraft. Having now ‘discovered’ this project, I shall spread the news.

    1. People's Mosquito

      Hi Simon – thanks for your support and welcome to the most exciting restoration project in the UK.

  41. Nick Carey-Harris

    Just like Morph . . . I stumbled onto this site whilst taking a teary look at the Vulcan to the Sky site . . . Wot ? an airworthy Mossie ? . . . and no one told me ?

    This is a brilliant site and I hope that I can support the build (ever thought of Crowd Funding ?). It’s a real shame that no one in the U.K. is capable of doing it.

    My Father finished off his third tour of Ops with 139 Jamaica Sqn., at Upwood in 1944 and was always happy to talk about his beloved Mossie, which saw him safely through a couple of near misses. I can remember as a very small child being chucked up into the cockpit of one of the last airworthy examples, visiting Upavon, by my Father who proceded to issue dire warnings about the “gear up” lever.

    . . . . not even a thought of a high visibility tabard then 🙂

    I would dearly love to capture a picture of the People’s Mossie carrying out a low pass at Upwood, with the remaining hangars in the background. That would be perfect.

    P.S. I’ve already spammed all my friends about this site (both of them).

    1. People's Mosquito

      Thanks for your message Nick. We’ve looked into crowdfunding and it doesn’t really suit what we are doing – we are likely to be able to raise more funds in other ways – and for less outlay. Good to hear about your father and his service with 139 (Jamaica) Sqn. One of the things we plan to do with RL249 when she is flying is to be able to do as many flyovers as possible – operations and serviceability allowing – for example at memorial events and so forth, so that photograph may well be possible if a service or event were to be held at Upwood. Thanks for your support and interest.

  42. Just discovered this following a link from the Vulcan newsletter. Looks like a well researched plan to me. If you are planning on basing it in Lincolnshire, another Lincolnshire legend, a certain Guy Martin would be a great asset to promoting this project. (I am sure you have thought of that). How about settinng up a standing order donation facility of £2.49 per month? Most people wouldn’t miss the price of a coffee every month, but it would soon add up for TPM. And maybe monthly newsletter to let everyone know the latest developments? I am sure this is all in the pipeline & I look forward to seeing the aircraft in the skies of England in the future. Good Luck

    1. People's Mosquito

      Hi, thanks for getting in touch. Love the idea of a standing order for £2.49 – we’ll look into this. We are currently working on setting up the club and will be launching that soon. A regular newsletter will come as a part of that package. Look out on here, and Twitter and Facebook for an announcement in due course – things should be in place some time early in the new year. Thanks again and thanks for your donation.

    2. Bruce Saunders

      Standing order donation, news letters, Guy Martin + TV interest all excellent ideas. Looking forward to the chance to make regular donations. Every little bit helps, good luck!

  43. Paul.F Chapman

    Great news, BAes loss of theirs at Barton had left a huge gap in the great British line of iconic aircraft, not flying.My all time favourite Second World War aircraft, can’t wait for the club to be launched. I wish you well.

    1. People's Mosquito

      Thanks Paul. We aim to fill that gap. Look out for announcements on here, Twitter and Facebook for the launch of club in the next few weeks.

  44. Charles Thody

    Hi. I am very excited about this project. I was a Hatfield Apprentice in the late 70s/early 80s and worked on RR299 a couple of times. Also led a team to build the DH2 replica for Muke Russell at Duxford in the 80s, also maintaining his collection of DH aircraft. Would be very keen to help out on this new project if at all possible.

    1. People's Mosquito

      Hi Charles, thanks for your message. As you may be aware we’re not at the ‘hands-on’ stage yet, but would be keen to discuss further at a later date. In the meantime would you be happy to complete the Volunteer form here: Volunteers needed for 2016 so we can get you onto the Volunteers list?
      Many thanks.

    2. Roger de Mercado

      Hi Charles
      I remember you when you passed through Flight Development at Hatfield as an apprentice. Glad to see you still keep an eye on de Havilland aeroplanes.

  45. Just a quick “good luck” and best wishes with the project. I have many memories of RR299 back in the ’80s and ’90s – always an absolute highlight of any airshow.

    Never thought I’d see a Mossie in the air again – so really delighted to have stumbled across your website.

    Please add me to any mailing lists you are running.

    1. People's Mosquito

      Thanks for your comment Ash. Glad to have you on board. We don’t yet have a mailing list as such, as we’ve been mainly communicating with the public via social media. However we are in the process of creating a Club, which I’m hoping you’ll be interested in joining. Watch out on Facebook and Twitter for announcements soon. Many thanks.

  46. It will be fantastic to see a Mosquito back in the sky as the last time I saw one fly was back in the 60s at an air display at Staverton airport in Gloucester. There was 2 Mosquitos at the Skyfame Museum in Gloucestershire.

  47. Mark Murauskas


    I sent you an email at the weekend regarding volunteering, can I just check that it got through to you? I live in Cambridgeshire with Duxford, Gransden, Shuttleworth within a 20 minute drive. Happy to help out in these vicinities plus anywhere else required in the South east area.

    Best wishes Mark

  48. HI to all ,I often look at the site and read the messages, well I thought I would leave a message for you all to read.
    The Mosquito has a very special place in our family’s hearts. My Grandfather ( on my mothers side ) was on the design team for the Mosquito, he was on engine installation and fuel systems he was also on bored the prototype (4050) as flight engineer on its maiden flight .
    He would have been exited at a British Mosquito been in the air again

    1. People's Mosquito

      Thanks Geoff. It’s wonderful to hear about your Grandfather. Those must have been exciting times. Our motto is “to fly, to remember, to educate” and part of our remit is to remember all those who were involved with the Mosquito – designers, builders, people in factories all over the country, maintenance crews – not just the aircrews. Have you read our series “The Wartime Diaries of a de Havilland Engineer” here on the website? I dare say Dick Whittingham and your Grandfather may well have known each other. Thanks for your interest.

    2. Your Grandfather would have been Mr John E. Walker, then? An excellent engineer….

      Delighted that you made contact with TPM.

      Ross Sharp
      Director of Engineering & Airframe Compliance

  49. Is there still a chance of the Mossie being based at Biggin Hill? I was reading about this on Facebook t’other week and was immediately ecstatic at the thought.

    I saw my 1st Mossie at the very first Biggin Hill display, back in 1965 (incidentally the very 1st Red arrows public display too) and was immediately addicted.

    If Biggin Hill is chosen for the build, I don’t have any flight or engineering-skills, but I used to be a rather good wood-turner (if required) and am also an extremely keen amateur photographer. If you need the build documented, I live in SE London (approx 25 minutes drive, if all traffic-light are at green 😉 ) and would be happy to volunteer both me and my camera+tripod to help out.

    1. System Administrator

      We aren’t actually part of the BHHH project. We haven’t chosen our home base yet as the moulds, jigs and skills required to build the airframe to a standard that satisfies the CAA only exist in New Zealand, which is were ours is being built.

      1. Yep, I only discovered that when I received my email confirmation of this post lol – Oh well, Sadly Cambridgeshire and/or Leicestershire are a bit too far from me to volunteer, but my fingers are crossed for a successful project and I’ll still be keenly following any news of how things are developing.

        Wow! I’m just thinking that 2 Mossies flying together would make a great display, for the years to come…..

    2. What a fabulous idea ! Being a long-term supporter of the XH558 Vulcan, it would be good to have somewhere else to send my donations, now that the Spirit of Great Britain is permanently grounded. What we need here is a CLUB.

  50. Philip Barnes

    Hi Mark
    I too am interested in the Mossie project. I live in Wymondham, the one in Norfolk ! And currently working on an idea which maybe you would be interested.

    Perhaps we could meet up some time to sort out any ideas we could persue to advantage.

    I am visiting “The Woodturners” on Friday 4/11 (this coming Friday). 7.30 pm, at Spixworth Community centre -( Woodturners have a website)

    Phil B

    1. People's Mosquito

      Hi Phillip, thanks for your message. Unfortunately none of us are in the Norfolk region. Would you be able to email us as an introduction to your idea (which sounds intriguing) at info@peoplesmosquito.org.uk please, and one of us will respond. Many thanks.

  51. In the late 80’s & 90’s I worked at BAe Broughton and was treated to the sights and sounds of “our” Mosquito flying overhead. Nothing could stop production like the sound of the twin merlins overhead on a test flight, she used to regularly empty the factory while we watched her display. It seems unbelievable that she went down nearly 20 years ago. RIP SW.
    Very very best wishes for this project.

  52. I’m so stoked at the prospect of seeing a mossie in British skies again. I was lucky enough to be able to help out with the one at Cosford many years ago. Just cleaning, polishing, turning the props etc but it was always the highlight of my week. I’m not in a position to donate right now but will gladly donate when I’m able. I wish the team all the very best in this marvelous project.

  53. Wishing you all the best with this build, cant wait to see her fly. Hope to see you on The peoples Mosquito stand during 2016.

  54. It would be a real privilege to be able to see the best aircraft of WW2 grace our sky once more. A very worthwhile cause.

  55. Derek Marrable

    Over the past several years I have been paying a standing order for £10.00p per month to the Vulcan. Now sadly it is being grounded. Although I understand it still needs funds to continue to be an educational organisation, I have decided to cease payment to that charity and commence paying the £10.00p to the Peoples Mosquito project. I just cannot wait to see and hear those twin Merlins growl again. I have got tears in my eyes just thinking about it. The last time I saw an airworthy Mosquito was at the Biggin Hill Air Fair where it was grounded by an oil leak. So disappointing! I shall keep up with progress on all sites. Good luck with everything.

    1. Hi Derek, Thank you very much for your message of support and your generous offer to make a monthly donation. We really appreciate it. We genuinely hope that The People’s Mosquito will engender a similar amount of affection that we have seen flowing towards the Vulcan over the years, and that it will ‘fill the gap’ left by her grounding. Many thanks.

      1. Michael Christie

        Hi there I am of the opinion as Derek, I have been paying £10 a month towards the Vulcan since 2006, along with other generous payments at times when there was great need. But as sadly the Vulcan’s flying career draws to a close I too have now stopped my payment to VTTS and will from beginning of 2016 give £10 a month to TPM as we have to have a Mossie back in UK skies once regardless if it is a 95% new build it has to be done. Will help where I can with volunteer work on this worthy project. Good luck to TPM.

        1. HI Michael,

          Thanks very much for your message of support and your generous offer of assisitance. We will be putting out calls for volunteers – for airshows etc. – at the start of next season.

  56. Some purists get very ‘sniffy’ about so called data plate rebuilds, but to be honest, if it looks like a Mossie, sounds like a Mossie and flies like a Mossie, then for all practical purposes it’s a Mossie. Best of luck with the project – looking forward to seeing things progress.

    1. I’m in agreement with Kevin Goodwin. My response to the ‘sniffy brigade’ is that we are hardly spoilt with airworthy Mossies worldwide and completely devoid in the UK, so even if it was a completely new build ‘replica’ I would still be fully in support of it as representing the type, as it is the TPM effort has a valid historical link and that should under the circumstances be good enough for anyone!
      Best of luck with the project and looking forward to the day a brace of Merlins rip through UK skies.

  57. Good luck in all your endeavours to the Peoples’ Mosquito team from the 79th Entry Association, RAF Halton Apprentices. The 79th were privileged to be able to practice their nascent technical skills on a Mosquito at Halton airfield during their “Airfields” phase before graduating in 1957. As an Instrument Fitter I recall investigating a defect on the starboard engine instrumentation under the watchful eye of an instructor.

    The 79th supported the Vulcan to the Sky project’s final year of flying displays. We will make an earlier start in helping to support TPM’s objective – only too appropriate for the most versatile and effective combat aircraft of WW2.

    1. Hi Jerry – Thanks for getting in touch and we appreciate the support. We would be interested to know how you helped VTTS. We will be needing volunteers for our airshow stand next year. If any of your members wishes to come forward please ask them to get in touch via info@peoplesmosquito.org.uk.
      Thanks again for your message of support.

  58. Fantastic! I have recently become immersed in Mosquito history – my family bought a house near RAF Brize Norton 2 years ago which we found out belonged to a Mr Maxwell Nicholas Sparks, a New Zealander who was a Mosquito pilot in the RAF/RNZAF 487 squadron. He was in the first wave of Mossies to attack Amiens prison in February 1944, and we believe that *the* famous photograph of the raid (Operation Jericho) was taken from a camera fitted to his own aircraft.

    Max was awarded the Air Force Cross in 1960 and a Queen’s Commendation in 1965 for his contribution to WW2.

    Unfortunately Max died in 2013, so I have started to compile information about his life and the aircraft he flew – namely Mosquito FBVI serial HX982, coded EG-T on the Amiens raid (not to be confused with MM417 which was later coded EG-T but did not participate in that operation).

    My wikipedia page for Max Sparks:

    I am an aeromodelling enthusiast and I am just starting a project to build a 1:8th scale (~ 2 meter wingspan) flying replica of HX982 to bear the names P/O M.N.Sparks and P/O A.C.Dunlop (his navigator and pal) as a tribute to Mr Sparks and his Mosquito HX982.

    I will be keenly following the progress of the People’s Mosquito – perhaps we can have them finished and in the air around the same time!! They are beautiful machines. What’s better than an aircraft with a RR Merlin engine? An aircraft with TWO Merlin engines, of course!

    1. Hi James, thanks for getting in touch. That sounds a fascinating story and a fitting commemoration to adorn your model with Max’s and his navigator’s names. Please keep us updated on progress – you will probably finish yours before RL249 is airborne! You can post photos of your progress and comments on our Facebook Supporters’ Group https://www.facebook.com/groups/181903705240642/ – there are a number of group members who are serious modellers, so you will find common interest there. A coincidence that our Mosquito (RL249) will be constructed in Auckland, Max’s birthplace. Thanks for your support and here’s looking forward to maiden flights (of both!).

  59. mark robinson

    Hi All,

    Great project, I live in Norwich, if you can send me anything that will support the peoplesmosquito I will do my best to make the public of Norwich and Norfolk aware of your most worthy quest,

    Best Wishes to all your team
    Mark R.

  60. I was an instrument repairer with 1655 M T U , the unit which trained pilots from other units
    onto MOSQUITOS,, compensation for having failed (medically) the aircrew selection board,
    at Oxford University in 1942, after receiving the Air Training Corps proficiency certificate,
    a bitter pill as my world from age sixteen was ” in the air”. I saw Geoffrey and Godfrey
    De Havilland at the unit, a privilege to see two great men, a happy unit as we were together for some time. I have many stories of my time there, but don’t want to be a bore,
    but I will say, our C.O. Squadron Ldr. Ralston, (I hope I spelt his name correctly) was
    quite a flier! As I have passed my 90th birthday I hope I live long enough to see a Mosquito flying in British skies; and will donate as much as I can afford!.

    1. Hello Norman, Thank you for you interesting comment. On the contrary, we would love to hear some of your stories from your time working on the Mosquito with 1655 MTU, and particularly about the De Havillands. Please do get in touch, as we are compiling a collection of Mosquito memories from as many people as possible. If you interested in contributing to the collection please get in touch with us at info@peoplesmosquito.org.uk. Thank you also for your generous donation, it is greatly appreciated. Kind regards, Nick Horrox

  61. Barry Sheppard

    Reading a book on “The Men who flew the Mosquito ” a great insight to such a valuable plane of remarkable capabilities . Such a great pity that in the UK we do not have one to display flying , good luck on your final goal I look forward to seeing on grace the skies.
    Barry Sheppard

  62. David A Williams

    Hi, I am the nephew of P/O David Sparrow 151 Sqdn Wittering referred to in your diary. I have had a great interest in the Mosquito since I was a small boy and would just love to see one flying again. Still trying to peace together David’s career in the RAF any help would be greatly appreciated. I have an idea he had a hand in the developement of the aircraft but not sure what his part was. Please keep up the good work.

  63. Hi. Greattach to see a new one is on its way! Is there an update on progress + any idea what the initial colour scheme will be?

    1. Progress is that fundraising is continuing apace. We have just gone over the half way mark on our first tranche which is for the wing ribs! This is excellent news considering we’ve only been fundraising for just over a year! Look at our Donate page for the latest total. The event this past weekend at Duxford took us over the halfway mark. A long way to go yet though. As to the scheme, we have several ideas but that won’t be decided for a while yet. We’ll make a splash about it when we do decide, though. Thanks for your support.

  64. Need one of these flying in the UK folks.. From the Amiens raid to target marking to film star.. A superlative aircraft and a beautiful one at that.. Warmest thoughts and best wishes.. Make this happen!

  65. Hi there. I used to live in Exeter where No3 CAACU flew Mossies and remember seeing them in my early years, before they converted to Vampires and Meteors. The five that took part in the final flypast at Exeter are all still with us, albeit scattered far and wide! Good luck and best wishes for the project.

    1. Hi Ian – thanks for your message of support. One of our team hails from Exeter and too remembers seeing them flying around. Here’s looking forward to seeing one airborne again. Thanks.

    2. Hi Ian, my Dad told me today that he used to fly Vampires in Devon from RAF Chivenor in 1955, and that they used Mossies to tow drogues for him to shoot at over the Bristol Channel

  66. Just watched 633 Squadron for the umpteenth time. Still cannot believe we do not have one of these aircraft flying. Good luck with the project.

  67. Trevor Vincent

    Hello so pleased to see we could be having a Mosquito back in our skies again this aircraft means a lot to me my Grandfather was an LAC FME and worked on Mosquitos ,im sorry to say i stumbled on your stall at the fatefull Shoreham Air Display when we witnessed the Hunter crash ,this is the first time i knew about this project i wish you all well in your project and be sure i will be supporting you all the way

  68. What a fantastic project, which must be made to succeed. I had the honour to sit in the prototype Mossie at the DH Museum a number of years back (one of those right place, right time moments) and have never forgotten it. Will support this all I can personally and through our aviation heritage museum in Suffolk – the type ‘just’ made it into our area when 618 ‘Highball’ Sqn was based in the north of the county for a while.

    1. Thanks for your message of support Andrew. Yes 618 Sqn were indeed based in Suffolk at RAF Beccles, where our patron, Capt. Eric ‘Winkle’ Brown, went to train them on deck landing, following his successful Mosquito carrier deck trials in March 1944. He talks about this and mentions Beccles in the video we recently produced. You can see it here: https://youtu.be/d9Hjne0OA4w.

  69. What a very large plan and with only 10% of the aircraft left what a task ,I suppose it helps one hell of a lot that a rebuild has already been done on one other airframe .if I ever win the euro millions I will help out .I’m an aircraft engineer on very big things so if you want any help just ask .I’m in Northampton .

    1. Thanks Ian – I believe you have been in touch with Ross Sharp, our Director of Engineering and Airframe Compliance. We look forward to meeting you in the not too distant future.

  70. Michael Christie

    I’m not on Facebook or Twitter either, but am on Linkedin, as you say Dominic this would be a good tool for the project to consider. Think we all hope things will be able to progress as quickly as possible, but it will only achieved with cash, lets all help where we can.

  71. Great supporter of your project. Not a fan of Facebook. So please, please, can you get yourself on LinkedIn?. You will be surprised how many professional people and businesses are on there for you to tap into resources and possibly financial support.
    Best regards,

  72. Michael Christie

    Hi, posted back e-mail yesterday to your info e-mail address. Hope this came through ok to yourselves. Can see you have been receiving quite a bit of feedback over the last few days. Lets hope we can get this project rallied round to as many people as possible, as with the sad demise of the Vulcan from UK skies after October The People’s Mosquito is the next big aviation project in the UK, the sooner this happens the better. I certainly want to be able to lend a hand in what way I can once you start to want volunteers to help working to get the Mossie back on the UK airshow scene. Regards Michael

    1. Thanks Michael, I have emailed you back. Thanks for your support and your offer of help. We also like to think of this project as being the next big UK aviation project. We’ll be in touch.

  73. Just found this, and with the ‘Farewell to Flight’ of XH558 this year it seems fitting that the ‘return to flight’ of another wonderful British aircraft comes to the fore. You can count on my support.

    1. Hi Paul, thanks for getting in touch. You can find us on Facebook (Facebook.com/peoplesmosquito) and Twitter (@peoplesmosquito) to keep in touch. Thanks for your support.

  74. Dear Mr Lord, first, may I say how delighted we were to hear from the Lord family. The history of the Banff Strike Wing (which grew to be the largest Wing in the Royal Air Force, with no less than six Squadrons) is an amazing one. As Nick Horrox mentioned, we would very much welcome participation by yourself in some way, and I am sure that he and the Board will be discussing that with you later. I know that we would also wish to utilise the photographs and data (with full credit, of course) to enhance our display stand. I would ask that you email me – Ross@peoplesmosquito.org.uk – so that we can take matters further. By the way, your father often flew a 235 Sqn Mosquito coded LA-V (at least when he was a Flt Lt). Looking forward to making contact with you. – Kindest regards, Ross Sharp

    1. Yes – i have a couple of photos of his aircraft LA-V with a ‘lazy’ tail wheel as he put it, flying in formation over the sea en route to Norway at the usual height of 50′. Lots of other interesting ones too! I’ll email you.From his logbook it looks as though his last operational sortie was at the back end of 1944. His promotion to Sqdn Ldr was confirmed in a telegram in January 1946.

  75. My nephew visited your stand at RIAT this year. He mentioned that his grandfather, my dad, flew mosquitoes during the latter part of the war. In fact my father, Sqdn Ldr George Lord, flew in 235 squadron from Banff CO Max Aitken. i have his logbook which shows his flying history from learning on a Tiger Moth to a seat on Concorde for its proving flight to Bahrain. Quite a record! i also have a collection of his combat photos attacking shipping in the Norwegian Fjords. I have arranged for copies to be made available of the relevant logbook pages and some of the more startling action photos.
    At an appropriate time I would like to be involved in some way in this project especially as my father had the opportunity to spend some time with the crew that were lost when the aircraft crashed at Barton.
    Richard Lord

    1. Hi Richard, I have passed your message to Ross Sharp our Director of Engineering and resident Mosquito historian and expert. He will respond in due course. Many thanks for getting in touch – Regards, Nick Horrox

  76. Michael Christie

    Hi, I visited yourselves at RIAT2015 over the weekend and purchased one of your special shirts only available at RIAT. I will later this year set up a standing order for £10 a month and hope many more UK residents will rally this cause to have RL249 airworthy as soon as possible. I hope I will in the future be able to help in a hands on basis to get and maintain this Mospuito in an airworthy condition. Regards Michael

  77. Mark Robinson

    Hello Alan,
    I talked to you yesterday at RIAT Fairford. !8th July 2015. I spoke briefly about the” Iron Cross” just to give you a point of reference.
    I live in Norwich and would love to get involved in some way as a volunteer to support this wonderful project.
    As an ex para I may not have some of the engineering experience your looking for, however I have helped raise funds for many and varying projects in the past.
    Please, please give me a shout if you think I can be of help in ANY way to your must worthy and just cause.
    My very best wishes go to you and all your team.

  78. Lucie Crawford

    Hi there, I’m contacting you from Darlow Smithson Productions in London. I was wondering if it would be possible to have a contact number for your organisation. There has been interest from a major UK broadcaster. My email is lucie.crawford@dsp.tv. Regards.

  79. Hilton Craven

    Ah yes, I have watched the ‘Spirit of Val’ come together over many years, truly a labour of love. I have no idea of my Fathers Squadron but I guess I can try and find out. There cannot have been too many squadrons at Split. I’ll keep you posted. Many thanks for your reply.
    Best Regards

  80. Hilton Craven

    Just stumbled over your page………and Wow! I never thought to see a Mosquito in the air again after 1996. My Father was a Navigator on them operating out of Split just after the war, so you have my full support and stand by for a Tee shirt order. I live near Elvington Airfield (Close to York) if I am home (In the Merchant Navy) on their Display days I would be happy to volunteer for you if you want a stand there.
    Keep up the great work.
    Best Regards
    Hilton Craven

    1. Hi Hilton – thanks for your message of support. We know Elvington well, as the home of Mosquito NF.II HJ711. We will be considering a presence at one of their events next year, and we will be looking for volunteers nearer the time, if we decide to attend. I noticed you have liked our Facebook Page, for which we thank you, and we will be calling for volunteers on there and also on our Supporters’ Group on Facebook too. We would love to know more about your father’s service. Do you know his Squadron number? Thanks again for your support.

  81. Hi Neal, Thanks for getting in touch and thanks for your interest, and apologies for not responding sooner. Yes, we do have a running total on our “Donate” page – something we call the ‘fundometer’. You can see the total raised so far there and it’s updated as often we can. We are rather limited in the events we can cover currently. This is essentially down to costs and manpower. Airshows, although a great investment, are very expensive to attend – costs of pitch + transport, accommodation etc. (the latter two of which we cover personally) and having the manpower available at the right time. There are only five of us involved and two live abroad (John Lilley, our MD & Chairman is in China most of the year, and Ross Sharp, our Dir of Eng & Airframe Compliance is in Mass. US), so it’s difficult for us to ‘reach’ the whole country. We have been using volunteers for the first time this year and that has proved a significant improvement so far. We hope to be in a better position as time goes by, but it’s inevitably a slow start, having to rely on public donations as we do. We will be looking at a TPM Club membership type scheme in the coming months and hope to recruit a few more bods to the cause. This will hopefully enable us to have greater reach when it comes to events and will also raise our donated income, which will help.

    I hope that has answered your initial questions, but please feel free to get in touch if you require any further information.

    Thanks again for your interest,


    Nick Horrox, Dir. of Comms

  82. Mike Fitzgerald

    I saw your stand at the Cosford airshow today and had a marvelous chat with a gentleman there. I have just got home to Somerset and looked up your website. My very best wishes to you all and good luck in this tremendous venture

    1. Hello Mike, Thanks for your comment and message of support. It’s not going to be easy, but we can do it with support. Please spread the word in Somerset. Thanks again.

  83. Since I first saw an R/C Mossie as a boy I fell in love with this fantastic aircraft and wish you every success with this venture. May she roar once more!

  84. Hi Another ex-Matelot, radio op from 1975 to 1980. I am now employed as an HGV 1 driver and am also a published freelance writer. I would love to be able to help in some way. If you think I have any skills that can be of use then let me know. Good luck with this fantastic venture…the country and everyone who values the history of our armed forces deserves to see this magnificent machine in British skies once again

    1. Hi Steve, Thanks for getting in touch. As you probably realise, these are very early days, so there’s not much to do physically. What sort of help did you have in mind? What sort of writing do you do? I have an idea of how you might be able to help promote awareness of the project – which is really what we need to do at the moment, to encourage donations. Please get in touch with me at info@peoplesmosquito.org.uk. Thanks, Nick

  85. I would really like to see, and hear, a Mosquito flying again. It has always been my favourite aircraft and now I live very close to “RAF Fersfield” in Norfolk I have a special interest in following the restoration project. Good luck and I hope my small donation adds to the cause. Chirs

    1. Hi Chris, thanks for your message and generous donation to our cause. Interested to note you are ex-RN. As you may well know you share that in common with our patron Capt. Eric ‘Winkle’ Brown, and you may be interested to know we recently filmed an interview with him about his making the first landing on a carrier of a Mosquito, in 1944. The video of that will be released in the next few weeks. RAF Fersfield (or RAF Winfarthing, depending on your preference) has an interesting history – remote control B-17s no less! Don’t know whether it ever saw Mossie action, but the 8th AF used PR Mosquitos for reconnaissance, so it may well have done so. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/RAF_Fersfield. Thanks again for your support.

  86. Just came across your site after googling the Amiens Raid, having just watched a TV programme about it. Fascinated to see if you can get a Mosquito up and flying!
    My father was a Mosquito navigator on 109 Squadron in 1945 flying out of Little Staughton, having previously completed a tour in 1943 on 51 Squadron with Halifaxes. He died in 2006 but would have been tickled pink to think a Mossie would be flying again.

    1. Hi James, thanks for your comment. There is no doubt that we can get a Mossie up and flying in the UK – the technology exists to return this important aircraft to our skies – the only factor holding us back is money. The driving force for us is remembering people like your father who served, and those who built and maintained the Mossie. Please spread the word about our project far and wide. Many thanks.

  87. Hello everyone at TPM. Have always had a ‘soft spot’ for the ‘DH Mossie’, how wonderful it would be to have her grace our UK skies once again, arguably one of the most underrated (if not the most underrated) aircraft ever built. Early memories remain of building my first airfix model and ‘633 squadron’. I wish you every success and will spread the word at every opportunity. Any plans to be at RIAT 2015? Kind regards, Andy.

    1. Hi Andy – thanks for your comment. We agree, it’s high time we had a Mosquito flying again in the UK. Yes, we will be at RIAT 2015. You’ll find our stand in the Blue Zone. See you there!

      1. Fabulous, will have to say hello. Perhaps treat ourselves to some ‘Mossie Merchandise!’ Any more news/developments with the wing construction?

    2. Good, we look forward to seeing you there. We should have some new t-shirts, prints and mugs available on the stand – airshow exclusives, not available in our shop. No news really on that front – we are continuing to raise funds to pay for the wing. Thanks for your interest and support.

  88. Will you have a stand at Flying Legends this year. Sold my car and left the car sticker in hopefully more people will see it but where can I get another, there does not seem to be one at the store?

    1. Hi Simon – thanks for getting in touch. We will not be attending Flying Legends this year, but will hopefully be at Duxford’s Battle of Britain Anniversary Air Show on 19th and 20th September (TBC). If you send your address to info@peoplesmosquito.org.uk, we will gladly send you a replacement sticker by return. Thanks

  89. G’day

    Many thanks for making this colour footage of 627 Mossies available on line. Its a while since I’d seen the DVD of it that my Dad has.

    My Dad, Eric Arthur is the last man standing from combat operations with 627.

    Eric and his pilot, John Herriman, who were both RAAF, joined 627 a few weeks after Brian Harris filmed this footage. By the time VE day arrived, Eric and John had completed 44 operations, one short of a tour.

    In June 2014, I accompanied Dad to England so he could be in Green Park when the Queen unveiled the Bomber Command Memorial. We also traveled to Lincolnshire and visited his old haunts at Woodhall Spa.

    I created a website to document Dad’s trip to England and also used it to document his wartime experiences and the methods and operations of 627 and to pay homage to the Mosquito and the men who flew in them and the ground crew who supported them.

    Eric’s 627 Mosquito story is at http://alanandric.blogspot.com.au/?view=sidebar

    It will be wonderful to get another Mossie airborne again. Best wishes for the project.

    Alan Arthur

    1. Hi Alan,

      Thanks for getting in touch. What a fascinating story and website and we appreciate you sharing it with us. I have only skipped through it and look forward to studying it more closely. I know many of our followers and supporters would also be very interested in your Father’s story – would you happy for us to share the URL?

      Yes it will be wonderful to get another Mossie flying and particularly in the UK, it’s spiritual home – it’s been missing too long from our skies.

      Please send our best wishes to your father and a huge thank you from all of us here for his service with 627 and the Mosquito during the war.

      Nick Horrox

      1. G’day Nick

        Happy for you to share the URL.

        The blog started off as a way for our extended family to keep track of Dad’s tour to the Bomber Command Memorial and to learn about what I’d learned from him of his wartime activities from conversations I’d had with him previously and from those I was having with him as we traveled around England, but has now taken on a life of its own with the general public. Since we returned from England, I have added a lot more material to the site as I’ve learned more from Dad and come across more information from other sources too and I’ll continue to add to it as more information and material comes to me.


        1. Hi Alan,

          Sounds like you’ve got a job on your hands there! I look forward to reading more and thanks, we’ll share the website, so expect some traffic from here. Thanks again,


  90. James Johnson Collier

    Been following this project since the “Night Fighter” days and really pleased that something like this is finally happening! If I had ANY criticism to make it would be any model of “two stage super charger” Mossie would be far sexier to behold than a IV or a VI but hey let’s just get those wings in the sky!!!

    1. Thanks James. Our plan is to use Packard built 60 series Merlins which should give us plenty of grunt although the second stage supercharger won’t be utilised as we will be restricted to 8,500ft above MSL and a max airspeed of 250kts.

  91. What a worthy and brilliant idea and project! I would love to involve my money and time as requirements/availability allow. Whilst I understand perfectly the push towards Social Media, how do you intend to keep people (like me) informed who have no interest in – nor account with – Facebook or Twitter?

    1. Thanks John. We update this site with news so you can follow us on here if you don’t participate in Facebook or Twitter. We are also attending some airshows as funds allow this year so you can have a chat in person.

  92. This is extraordinary. During the 80s I was part of a team looking for pieces of RL249 at the crash-site. Among the parts found was a parachute harness quick-release box. I was amazed to read what happened to the wreck afterwards. BC

  93. Great website and a great project. Looking forward to seeing one flying over Holland !

    Best of luck with the project and greetings from Holland

    1. Hi Kees, Thanks for your comment. We hope to be able to display the aircraft on mainland Europe at some stage, but this will depend on getting authorisation from each country, which will have financial implications. But it is definitely something we want try to do.

  94. Having watched the project from the begining, I am glad to see things moving forward. I have been an avid warbirds fan from a very young age when my father took me to Old Warden to watch the Shuttleworth Collection fly its superb aircraft. Nowardays I have grandsons who are becoming interested in planes and history and I believe adamantly that projects like this are hugely important to not only thrill and inspire the next generation, but to educate them about the cost of the freedom we so casually enjoy now. If I can help in any way to further this fantastic project please let me know and you have my heart felt appreciation and best wishes for this wonderful endevour! Lets see a wooden wonder grace the skys again!

    1. Thanks for your words of support Brian, they are much appreciated. We too believe in the importance of projects such as ours in educating future generations, in both engineering terms and regarding the sacrifices made by previous generations. As you will no doubt have seen, our motto is “To Fly, To Educate, To Remember” which we hope reinforces those aims. Thanks for your continued support.

  95. Of course it goes without saying ,We should have an air worthy mosquito they are as much an iconic air craft as the good old spitfire ,Hurricane etc ..It would be an enormous feeling to see a Mosquito flying along side the BBMF .A day I hope is not too far away.,I wish you luck and I know you will achieve this goal .

  96. Sounds almost too good to be true and can only wish you the best of luck with this wonderful venture. I remember seeing the the Mosquito flying only once, driving away from RAF Wyton main gate. I heard the unmistakable sound of the twin merlins and round the ‘curve’ of the Hangars she flew straight across in front of me at treetop height – unforgetable !! I will follow this closely – again best of luck

    1. Thanks for getting in touch Andy. Yes, it is a very special sound and one which we hope to bring back to the skies of the UK in the not-too-distant future. Thanks for your support.

  97. andrew thomson

    Further to my comments above, the last time I watched a Mosquito in the air was by pure chance at RAF Wyton (I think around 1993) whilst stationed there. Driving away from the main gate twoards the ahngars and the road to Huntingdon I became aware of the unmistakeable sound of twin Merlins, and looking up seen the Mosquito curving around the Hangars no more than 100 feet up…a wonderful sight, this was the only time I ever watched her fly. I would love to become involved somehow as per your notices. Let me know


    1. Hi Andy – further to our previous reply – if you would like to be involved, we are making a database of interested individuals. Please could you email us at infoATpeoplesmosquito.org.uk outlining your areas of expertise, interests and a brief resume, to give us an idea of where you might best fit in. Many thanks, Nick.

  98. andrew thomson

    What to say? This is a quintessentially British aircraft and can only reiterate the many comments already made – fantastic idea and look forward to its fruition. As a keen modeller just reading this has inspired me to build the large 1:24 scale model I have in my possession.

  99. Wish each and everyone on the project the very best of success.
    Suggestions: Contact the national lottery to see if you could get financial support. Or try your local county council, local council, big aviation companies (as major sponsors) like Rolls Royce, BAC, Messier Dowty. Also, spread your news to all the aviation museums around the UK. They will be a great source of information to help and assist your cause. Appreciate, money is tight but car stickers, T-shirts, Caps, aviation prints etc are a great way to promote your good cause. Plus, if you can get a stall together for next years 2015 Airshows that would really help your cause. Where there is a will there will always be a way.
    Good Luck.

    1. Thanks for getting in touch Dominic and thanks for your suggestions. As you can imagine we are looking into all avenues where funding is concerned, and doing as much as we can as far as promoting the project. As you may know we had a stand at several of the UK airshows in 2014 and they proved very popular and did an enormous amount for our profile. As you would expect we have plans to do the same in 2015, but hopefully on a larger scale with the help of volunteers around the country. If you are interested in helping out, we will announce details on our social media streams and the website nearer the time. Thanks again.

  100. iain schofield

    Well I have seen one thing this summer that I thought I never would, namely two Lancaster’s flying directly over my house on there way from Southport Airshow, just a brilliant sight !!!!. Now we need to press on and get our own example of the prettiest aircraft ever built back in the air. Good luck to all those involved in the project, I just wish that I had the skill sets to be involved

    1. Thanks for your support Iain. The thing about our project is that anyone can get involved – don’t forget: it’s not called The People’s Mosquito for nothing. You don’t have to be an aero engineer, carpenter or pilot to be involved. There’s plenty to be done long before those skills will be required. What we need at the moment – and the more we have the better – are people who can spread the word at every opportunity – be it on Twitter, on Facebook or down the pub on a Sunday lunchtime. All the information you need to share is on the website – particularly on our Plan page (see the menu bar at the top). You can share the regular updates we put out on the social media by retweeting (if you’re on Twitter) or sharing on Facebook or Google+. On top of this, you might be aware that we started fundraising this year and attended some airshows in the summer. Next year we want to attend more and are looking for willing volunteers to man a TPM stand at various airshows and other events around the country. We are looking for people in various regions to help out in the own locality, so there would not necessarily be much travel involved. Do let us know if you are interested and we’ll put your name on the list. There would be a full induction and briefing so don’t worry about lack of specific knowledge – the aim is to spread the word and get some donations in!

      So, as you see, anyone can help.

      Thanks again,


  101. Just found you here and on FB after a tipoff from a friend. I’m an ex-RAF Avionics Engineer and the Mossie is a firm favourite of mine. I followed the build of KA114 with great interest culminating in travelling to Hamilton Air show last year to see her fly first hand. My Moms cousin is a New Zealander now living in Dorset who is now in his 90’s. He was a Mossie pilot during WWII, drinking a pint with him is very interesting! His logbook documents a ferry trip from the UK to NZ, one of the first and longest of it’s kind in the day. Anyway, I’ve sent you £50 and wish you all the very best with this incredibly important project.

    1. Hi Simon, Thanks for getting in touch and for your generous donation. interested to hear more about your Mum’s cousin. Which Squadron did he fly with? – The ferry flight sounds like a bit of a long slog, would love to hear some details. Maybe we could write a post about it? Thanks again. Nick

  102. Clive Grievson

    Hi I used to fly with an ex Mossie pilot in my first flying job. Saw the RR one flying at Hatfield when they were still building Tridents. Sent you an e-mail saying I have a fund raising idea if you are interested but no reply yet. Looking forward to seeing one flying over here again.

  103. I was at “The Great Central Railway” on Sunday,attending a show with my classic lorry,and I had a few comments from people regarding my” Mossie” “T” shirt I was wearing.So,now,people Who are into railways,know about our “Mossie”.

  104. Adrian Vidgen

    What a fantastic project. The Mossie is such an iconic aircraft and an essential part of the military heritage of this country. We must have one flying here again.and I wish you every success.

    1. Hi Adrian and thanks for your support. We agree with your sentiment and you can help us get a Mossie flying by telling everyone you know about the project and pointing them at our website. At the end of the day, it will all come down to people digging in their pockets.
      Many thanks.

  105. was chatting to one of your team at a 3 Lanc’s event recently.Very imformative really hope to see a Mosquito flying in british skies again

    1. Hi Adrian – We too hope to see one flying in the UK. Of course it all comes down to whether we can raise the funds to get there and that depends on as many people knowing about the project as possible. So please tell your friends and family about what we’re doing and ask them to spread the word. Thank you.

  106. A great website and a great project. Wishing you all the very best of luck and I can’t wait to see a Mozzie back in the skies! I did manage to pop into the stall at East Kirkby, but there were so many people in there showing interest I didn’t get chance to say hello!

    1. Thanks Scott. It was a bit busy at times. We are at Duxford this weekend if that’s any use to you, but if not, and you have any specific questions about the project, please let us know.

  107. Dear Roger, the family has a very interesting document there. Please keep in touch with TPM and I would be delighted if you could point other family members to the site, too.

  108. I would love to hear and see a Mosquito flying in the skies above Britain once again.I grew up a couple of miles down the road from where the last flying British example of this “wooden wonder” was based in Broughton, Flintshire. We used to hear the wonderful roar of those engines .most days as kids.I remember the day it crashed sadly killing both people on board and it would be a great tribute to those two men and the brave aircrew who flew this fantastic aircraft.

  109. Hi Roger! As far as I can ascertain, your Dad flew the Mosquito PR. 34 with No. 13 Sqn in Egypt. They were based at Kabrit, a base which they shared with a couple of Mosquito NF.36 nightfighter squadrons. No 13 Squadron were shortly to convert to the Meteor PR.10. Ross

    1. Hi Ross, thank you for that information. We still have dad’s logbook in the family with all his flights/times etc. Makes for interesting reading from when he joined the RAF in 1943 to when he left 10 years later.

  110. Well,as I said earlier”i will be wearing my Mossie “T” shirt” at East Kirkby,and thanks to the great weather,i did,Guys,it was well nice to meet you all,and as I told you,living so near to Sailsbury Hall,the Mossie means so much to me.

  111. Roger Newall

    My dad flew PR Mosquito’s for 13 Squadron in Egypt after WW2. I’ve never seen one flying so it will be great to see this come to fruition. Good luck to all involved, you have my full support

  112. great to hear about your mosquito looking forward to seeing her fly, my father loved this plane when in RAF. this country should do more to remember what our fathers did for their country. good luke and see you at eastkirkby at the weekend. will you have a stall selling badges ect . David Coles

  113. Brilliant concept – my uncle: Ft Lt (I think) Jack Evelyn Dawes who died in WW2 flew Mosquitos so this means a lot to me

    1. Hi Brian, Thanks for your comment. The People’s Mosquito will be a flying memorial to your uncle and all those who built, maintained and flew the Mosquito. Thanks for your support.

  114. It will be great to see & hear the Mosquito at UK airshows again.I miss the sight & sound of the lovely Mosquito & had fond memories that I captured on video.It was a tragic when the last Mosquito crashed at Barton with the sad loss of its crew.I donated a bit of money at the Sywell Airshow & when I start a new job I will gladly donate more.Roll on wooden wonder carn,t wait to see you fly again!!

    1. Hi Mark,

      Thanks for your donation. Yes – it will be great to see and hear the Mossie again, and we’ll try to make that happen as soon as possible. Thanks for your support.

  115. Thanks for the reply,i have seen the four Merlins up at East Kirkby,and they look lovely,cant wait to see yours.Also my “T” shirt arrived yesterday,its lovely,thankyou,i will wear it with pride.

  116. An excellent project, and one I will attempt to support via Twitter and other social media. I find it heartbreaking that no airworthy Mosquito remains in the UK, upon completion this project will thankfully correct that. I look forward to reading about how the restoration progresses.

  117. Please,all of you,support,this very good cause,make a donation
    ,no matter how small,lets get this Mossie in the air where she belongs,in honour to all the pilots and crew who flew them.Its been a long time since we have seen one in the air.My dad trained up for radio op / air gunner,sadly no longer with us.It would be lovely to see the B.B.M.F,NX 611 and a Mossie flying together,with your help,it could happen.

  118. Come on everyone, support this project. We can’t have two flying on the North American continent and not one in Britain!

  119. Roger Thomas

    A brilliant project. I just made a small donation. This is in memory of Mosquito navigator Flight Lieutenant Griffith Rogers (23 Squadron, Little Snoring) who died in a crash in Germany on September 18 1944, the day before his 35th birthday His friends, my parents, named me Roger Griffith Thomas, after him.

  120. Roger Leivers

    Great site and a great tribute to this amazing aircraft and their crews. I work with our local Porch Museum in Godmanchester, Cambs and I’m researching a Mosquito (PF403) / 128 Squadron, which crashed near to our town on 10th Jan 1945 after a raid on Hannover. Can anyone give me any information on the two crew men who were killed.

    S/Ldr (63848) Ronald Frederick Leonard TONG (pilot) RAFVR – Son of Percy Charles and Doris Eva Tong; husband of Kathleen Patricia Tong (nee Humphreys), of Gravesend.

    F/Lt (128.616) Marie Joseph Marc LAGESSE DFC (nav.) RAFVR- Son of Jean Edesse Lagesse and Marie Madeleine Lagesse, of Curepipe, Mauritius. B. Sc. Econ. Barrister at Law.

    according to records both had been awarded the DFC, Ronald had two MID’s,,,
    Any background on these men and their operations would be GREATLY appreciated and would be included on new story boards to commemorate them

      1. theflyer2@aol.com

        In case it is missed from Face book, why don’t you send out an E mail reminder/update every month. I will support this as much as I can

        Good luck with the project Colin Boyles

        1. Thanks for your contribution Colin. We will continue push on Facebook, Twitter and other fronts. Email is a little harder as anti-spam filters tend to block unsolicted mail so we have to be careful. We are looking into it though. By the way, you can set continous monthly donations from PayPal – Steve

  121. Shinji Gordon Davison

    My grandfather worked for De Havilland during the war and worked on the mosquito. I didn’t know this but back in Auckland New Zealand he helped as a volunteer rebuilding old war planes including the mosquito at the Keith Hay Park museum after the war when immigrated to New Zealand. It is a beautiful plane and for me the greatest plane made during the war. I have just seen a documentary tonight about the mosquito and was really reminded of my grandfather.

    1. Hi Shinji, That’s fascinating. Where did your grandfather work – Salisbury Hall, Hatfield, or one of the other plants? Have you read our ongoing series “The Wartime Diary of a de Havilland Engineer” ? It’s quite evocative of the period. Talking of Auckland, that is where our main work will take place once we start the build, which will be soon. Have you been in contact with The de Havilland Aeronautical Technical School, one of our Affiliates (see them at the lower part of the Affiliates page). Someone there may well have known or worked with your grandfather, you never know, it’s a small world!

      Thanks for getting in touch.


  122. I can’t wait to see the aeroplane that my grandpa flew, flying in the sky. My dad says that one mossie sounds better than a dozen spitfires. Ewan aged 10.

  123. Norm Sheppard

    “Britain and Britons deserve to have a Mosquito in the air. Never give up hope on such a noble cause. Norm Sheppard, Vice President, Turnbull NB Chapter, Canadian Aviation Historical Society.”

    1. Thanks for your note of support Norm, it is much appreciated. The CAHS and organisations like it are an inspiration to us. We won’t give up!
      Nick Horrox, and the rest of the team at The People’s Mosquito

  124. Barry A Triplett

    Not much to add, just a loud “Hear, Hear!” When you have your donation platform working, I will send a few bob.

    Barry Triplett

  125. At long last, can’t wait to get involved well done. A fitting tribute to all who played a part in her design, building, flying, and maintaining these beautiful aeroplanes.

    Dave Hunt (licensed aircraft engineer BA,)

    1. Hi Dave, thanks for getting in touch to show your support. If you are interested in getting “hands on” at a later stage as far as the engineering element of the project goes, please drop us a line at info@peoplesmosquito.org.uk, with details of your experience and background and what sort of help you would be happy to offer as we are compiling a list of potential “ground crew”. It will be a while before we will be in a position to need your engineering skills but we are always on the look out for the right people to join the team.
      Nick Horrox

  126. Linda Meredith

    I sincerely hope you achieve your goal. It would be amazing to see one of these beautiful aircraft take to the skies again. A living tribute to the brave. Lest we forget.

  127. Brian pagett

    Just watched Yagens Mossie on channel 4, would love to see one fly over Britain. Wish you well in this endeavour………

  128. Have you contacted the American billionaire Kirk Kerkorian for financial help? As a teenager he learned to fly from Pancho Barnes and within a few months of gaining his license he volunteered (for pay, of course) to fly the Canadian-built Mossie from the factory to Scotland often flying the ‘Wave’. He made 32 flights and after WW2 parlayed those Mossie earnings into a charter service flying gamblers to Las Vegas… and from there-on became exceedingly wealthy. Just a thought.

    1. Hi, thanks for your comment. No, we have not been in touch with Mr Kerkorian, but will definitely keep him in mind when it comes to fundraising. Thanks for the suggestion.

  129. I came to this website because of some link with Wrighton Aircraft Ltd. I am researching the company because I have a Mosquito Tray in Hand-made Inlaid marquetry by Mr Faulkner. Can anyone help me.

    1. Hi, thanks for your comment. If you could send us more info on the tray (to infoapeoplesmosquito.org.uk) we would happily mention it on our Facebook page to see if anyone can help.

    2. I have a Mosquito Tray in Hand-made inlaid marquetry by Mr. Faulkner as well. I would be interested to know more about it.

      1. Hi, thanks for your comment. As we said to J Varty, we would be happy to post something on our Facebook page to see if we can find out a bit more about your tray from any of our followers. A picture and some more information would be helpful.

  130. Richard Foinette

    It does not seem right that the only flying Mosquito is in the US. I wish you every success in your project. I was lucky enough to see one flying back in the 70s -what a sight and sound. It would be even better if it could become part of the BBMF.

  131. david elvidge

    Hi Nick, reference Richards planter, I would like to recreate a Mossie cockpit section that could be used to publicise the flying Mossie project, so if Richard would part with the nose cone that would be a great start.

  132. Richard Silman

    Seems a worthwhile project. I have a Mosquito nose cone in my garden installed as a planter by a previous owner, seems intact complete with cama. paint. My father worked on Mosquito air frames at Parnalls Bristol.
    Richard S

  133. Hi, The main manufacturing processes will be carried out in New Zealand. However once those key processes are complete, the construction and fitting out will take place in the UK. We are not settled on a location yet as this will depend on a number of factors to be determined. Follow us here or on Facebook and/or Twitter to keep up to date with progress. Keep in touch, as we will need skilled volunteers as the project moves forward. We have put your name on our list, so will be in touch at some future point.
    Thanks for your interest.

  134. hi guys, big mossie fan and would love to see one in UK, very jealous of yanks and kiwis, cant wait to see how funds are going to be raised, as an ex rolls Royce man would love to see them help out with this project, would love to help myself but live in Scotland, engines are my thing and my good friend who is now retired still tells me of when he used to know the firing sequence for a merlin of by heart, good luck and god speed

    1. Funds are going to be raised in various ways – as many ways as we can think of – but initially public and corporate donation and corporate sponsorship being the main sources. Other than that we will be looking at some sort of membership scheme, possibly subscription based, and also we will be launching a range of branded merchandise. There are other avenues that we will be looking at in time, but the aforementioned are the sources that we are currently looking into prior to launching fundraising.
      Thanks for your interest and support.

  135. An amazing project and i will do all that I can to support it. Badge on my website already. I was wondering whether there might be an opportunity to communicate the massive contribution of the Polish Airforce who flew Mosquitoes during WW2. Might the airmen of 305 and 307 squadrons be recognised and honoured in some way as part of this fantastic endeavour?


      I will gladly provide info on 307 Squadron if needs be. I live in Exeter where 307 Squadron was based between 1941-1943. I have just had a book published (my first ever) all about 307 Squadron who flew Mosquitoes.

      1. Hello Michael. Put me down for a copy please. I met the daughter of one of the airmen (he settled in Accrington after the war) and have always wanted to learn more. Best wishes and good luck with the book. Greg

  136. Having always been a Mossie lover I am encouraged to know about this project. There seems to be a Mossie love-in growing, with an FHC Mosquito in NZ to be restored for Paul Allen. I have to ask however, why use an airframe of which you have only 10% as a base, when it might be possible to procure a current static from somewhere ?

    1. Hi Peter, thanks for your comment. Hope this goes some way to answer your question re static airframes;

      1. CAA want any UK flying Mosquito made from new build fuselage and wings. Which as integral to structural safety is a must! We can be romantic as you want wishing to fly a 75 year old piece of spruce & ply with glue not designed to last more than the operational flying in the RAF; problem is there are no engineering tests or records of flying ‘wooden’ aircraft that old; unlike metallurgy of which there is tons of data. So you can take off the bits to refurbish and overall though; e.g. engines, props and ailerons etc.

      2. Asking USAF and other national museums (E.g. Bodo in Norway) to part with their original product to restore is very tough! Although replacing theirs with a replica static is a good solution the museums don’t see it this way and want original aircraft.

      Cheers and thanks for the support.

  137. I have just watched the recent programme on the Mosquito, what a pleasure it was to view. It is long overdue for us to have our own flying Mosquito and pay tribute to a real aviation hero.It has long been my favourite plane of the Second World War and a real unsung hero. Fingers crossed for the future.
    Gary Pearson

    1. The even later film (1969) ‘Mosquito Squadron’ was also shot at Bovingdon, and used some of the same airframes, including the late, lamented RR299.

  138. Its about time we had a Mosquito was fully flying in this country. Just saw the programme on Channel 4 about the plane and the only flying Mosquito in the USA. Best of Luck.


    What a fantastic project – I hope Arthur Williams will be able to help as an ambassador. I have a book about the 307 RAF Polish Squadron being published in 2 weeks time, a night fighter squadron that flew Mosquito (as well as Defiants and Beaufighters). Having learnt about their exploits in the Mossies I have great respect to both the airmen and the aircraft itself. Best of luck with the project.

    1. Hi Michael, thanks for your comment and support. We agree, and hope Arthur can get involved. Let us know when your book is out and where we can get hold of a copy. We would be very happy to “tweet” a link to our followers for you. Thanks again.


        Hi, I will let you know when the book is out – many thanks for the kind offer to tweet a link – greatly appreciated. Michael

  140. Harry G Witney--DH Insp. no DH313

    Ex Hatfield 1945-1990- worked on last of prod. Mossies also servicing and on Hornets. Nice to think another one could be flying in the not too distant future.They were;nt designed to be easy to work on.Wishing you very best in your project. Bit too old at 85 to offer to assist.

  141. Harry Witney-DH-Hatfield 1945-1990 Worked on last of production Mossies and also Hornets servicing etc. Nice to think one more could be flying again. Bit too old at 85 to offer any assistance, but very best luck. H.Witney, inspection no. DH313

    1. Greetings Harry, and many thanks you for your kind message of support. You must have seen some sights we can only dream of! It’s in honour of people like you and of your generation that we’re doing this. Never too old! Thanks again.

  142. I wish you every success with this project. I’m retired RAF (37 years) and although I served on several squadrons operating a variety of jet aircraft, the Mosquito is still my favourite. My Father was a wartime RAF engine mechanic and worked on both Lancasters and Mosquitos (he loved to talk about the “Wooden Wonder”). We now live in France and there is a wartime 248 Squadron Mosquito crew buried in the next village who are still remembered and honoured every November and May by the local community. So, let’s see your Mosquito in the air!

  143. Peter Sketchley

    Hi, thanks for your response. I am afraid I don’t do Facebook, but I could scan the invitation and attach to an appropriate email address.

  144. Peter Sketchley

    Like many others I have just discovered this project. I am a life long fan of the Mosquito and credit my uncle with my enthusiasm for aviation history. He was Thomas William Adamson, he was a carpenter who worked on the prototype at Salisbury Hall, and then flew as a navigator on Mosquito’s in Burma. I am the very proud owner of a 1971 invitation to attend the acceptance ceremony of TA634 at Salisbury Hall, especially as it is autographed by John Cunningham. I would wish you and the project every success and look forward to supporting you in the small way that I can. Peter. Duxford.

    1. Hi Peter, Thanks for getting in touch and for your words of encouragement. Fascinating to hear of your family links to the Mosquito. We’d love to see that invitation – any chance you could share it on our Facebook group page? (http://www.facebook.com/groups/181903705240642). A number of us will be around at Duxford at the Spring airshow, so maybe we’ll see you there!

      Thanks again for getting touch.

  145. Like others I have only just found out about this project, it is long overdue.
    Do you intend to promote it at airshows etc. As membership secretary of the Andover branch of the Light Aircraft Association, I would be only too pleased to do a bit to assist.
    I trained as a cabinet maker and currently work (albeit retired) for a small company rebuilding Tiger Moths.
    More power to your elbow.

    1. Thanks for getting in touch Keith, and your kind offer of help. Yes we do plan to promote the project at airshows and will be looking for volunteers to help in due course. Your name has been noted. Rebuilding Tiger Moths! The perfect retirement…

  146. Ive just recently found out about this wonderful and exciting project,this is one of the most important aircraft in military history,the very best of luck and Im sure in can be done given the tremendous effort in New Zealand,the Mossie was just as vital as the Spitfire and Lancaster

  147. this is the best news since hearing lanc nx 611,is to fly again,living not too far away from St Albans,my friend and I visit the Mosquito museum their.I have missed not seeing a mossie in the air for many years,so cant wait to see this fly.Good luck.

  148. Have just read an article in todays Sunday Post regarding the Peoples Mosquito. Since I was a boy, it has always been my favourite WW2 aircraft, because of its beautiful lines. I think this is a tremendous project, and your estimated cost of £5M ( in comparison the toe Vulcan to the Skies project) is not nearly as frightenig. When can I contribute, and have you decided on a base? I wish the project every success. Mike

    1. Thanks for your comment Mike. We are shortly going to be launching donations via an online fundraising system. We will announce this publicly on Facebook and Twitter when it’s up and running. As far as a base, no, we haven’t decided on that yet. It will depend on a number of things, such as appropriate engineering support etc. Again, this will be announced when a decision has been made. The main manufacturing will take place in New Zealand, but fitting out is currently planned to take place in the UK.

  149. I wish you all the very best of luck and, like others here, feel that if the Vulcan can be brought back to flight with so much public support then so can your Mosquito.

    I am puzzled however by the lack of any information and photographs of the aircraft itself. Without eg. pictures of the remnants of the aircraft or a write-up of the aircraft’s operational history, there is no sense of the challenge faced and it leaves the whole site with a bit of an ‘unreal’ feel to it. I suggest it will really help the project if you show the people what it is you want to invest in. (My support and wallet stands ready…)

    1. Thank you Jeremy. We will be publishing further information on the rebuild as things progress. At the moment we are putting the foundations in place to support the engineering work. Keep your wallet handy :o)

  150. Hi, I would just like to say that I would love for my children to see a mosquito, like the one navigated by their great grandfather, flying over the UK. It would be great for this special aircraft to take its well deserved place back in the skies. Best wishes for your project.


        Great now that Jerry Yagen s KA114 has flown, and Glyn Powells FB41 will be coming to the UK to display and operate with action stations. Are you part of Stephen Burts group? or are you hoping to assist with his project ? or are you still hoping to raise the necessary funding to go it alone?Back to an earlier comment  made by me some time ago, just where is the manufacturers construction plate on a Mosquito?


        1. Hello David,

          As Project Lead your enquiry has come through to me:

          No we are not part of Steve Burt’s group. In terms of the much publicized article on Glyn’s aircraft and ‘action stations’ we understand matters and circumstances may have changed but I cannot comment further. But yes we have been in contact with Steve and other Mosquito projects to co-operate, share and work together so all projects benefit. Our rule is to help not compete.

          Yes we are planning to fundraise as TPM.

          I believe we replied on the plate previously sorry if not received. (Apologies – this may have been an oversight on my part – Ed.) All WW2 Mosquitos did not carry a manufacturer’s data plate; very unusual. We are investigating why. Post war aircraft manufacturer plates were found on a bulkhead in the cockpit area and I believe also on a section of the wing spar.

          Kind Regards,

          John Lilley
          Project Lead

  151. I would wonderful, woodenly wonderful, to have a Mossie flying regularly again in the UK. I look forward to following this project and doing everything that I can to support it.


  152. Hat tip to Shortfinals for showing me this site. My 88yr old Mum worked as draftman’s assistant on the MOS during WWII. When I next see her in January I will show her this site. Thanks and keep up the good work!

  153. As an ex de Havilland Apprentice I am thrilled that such a project as restoring a Mosquito to flying condition in UK is now in prospect. Having seen the fantastic efforts achieved in New Zealand we must have something similar to display in this country.
    I am a member of the de Havilland Aeronautical Technical College Association that has about 550 members. let me know what I can do to be involved and to promote the scheme.

    Good luck

    Roger Coasby

  154. It would be fantastic to see such a legendary plane flying again. I hope we’ll see a fundraising stand at the next Shoreham Airshow, you’ll get massive support!

  155. Wow, this is truly an amazing plan to have a Mozzy back in flight in the UK. I have fond childhood memories of them as my Grandpa was a Mosquito instrument technician, fixing them during WWII. He loved the plane a lot and has various Mozzy related items and pictures etc. As a child I also went to various airshows and saw various old aircraft and I’ve always preferred WWII propeller driven fighters as jets have never really inspired my imagination. It would just be absolutely brilliant to have a flying Mozzy in the UK as part of the BBMF. My only regret would be that I doubt my Grandpa will be alive when its done as he recently took a turn for the worst.
    Good luck with the restoration 🙂

    1. Thanks Kieran! We’re planning to set up a “Mossie Memories” section on the site – maybe your Grandpa would like to contribute with some of his memories? We’ll announce the launch of the page on Twitter and Facebook when we get it set up.

  156. Great news about getting Mosquito flying again. I live in Kettering and in my youth I use to see the last Mosquito flying over going to air shows. I have seen most war birds flying and all need to be in are skys and keep them flying. A lass I do not have skills to give support but I will find ways in my own way to help to get her flying. I look forward to hearing a twin again from a Mosquito and not if but when the day comes for first air display I be in the crawled with my support the Mosquito to good not to fly again.

  157. Urgent, could the TPM get a message to Graham Norbury via the e-mail address I’ve left at the TPM Contact point, regarding a member of the ‘project’ attending a dedication service for two crew members of Mosquito HJ767 which at the Bunny parish church Bunny Nottinghamshire at 6pm on sunday the11th.

  158. Has anyone else seen the proposed aquisition of a second flyable Mosquito form NZ by the Actions Staions company – flying with a Mossie – 3 years ? In Nov’s Aeroplane. Any scope to combine efforts ?

  159. Exciting news to hear of this project. I wish you every success and look forward to following your progress, plus ultimately seeing a DH Mosquito gracing the skies of Britain again.

  160. I must be missing something here. Why would the CAA wish to dictate the shape of the nose? Since the airframe would be completely new anyway, the choice would be down to the builder, not the CAA. By all means construct a night fighter, but incorporate a standard nose. If the CAA object to using the original NF36 identity on such a configuration, simply acknowledge that it is a replica and use other markings. It is still just as much a Mosquito as the superb KA114.

    Please do not misunderstand my comments. They are made with the best of intentions. To me, the loss of RR299 was the worst moment ever for the historic aircraft movement. It is long overdue for replacement. Let’s get the replacement right.

  161. Andrew Crosby

    I agree, where everyone is entitled to their opinion about what would be good or maybe in their opinion better. I think it is important to avoid being negative towards this project. Some of the comments I have seen on this forum almost suggest a campaign against it. Please do not spread negativity around something which is positive just because it’s not exactly what you want. If you wish to support them great, it will be greatly appreciated I’m sure, if you don’t want to support it that’s fine too, but don’t discourage others from doing so with negative comments.

  162. I’ve been following the comments here with interest and find some of the critiscisms unjust. Many people will have their favourites and would love to see a particular model again. The point is that there are a few people who have got together, given up their time (and I dare say money) and are trying hard to restore with what they can, an aircraft that is old, so that we, the public, can once again see a mossie grace our skies. Does it really matter what model it is? does it make that much of a difference? Surely ANY flying mossie is good. These people need support and encouragement not discouraging from what they have set out to do. I personally applaued them and wish them the very best. I for one would love to see a mossie of any mark in the air again.

  163. Undoubtedly, people have their favourite Mark of Mosquito (just as they have their favourite Spitfire); for example, I would like an early NF.II. The situation is, however, that until someone gives us the identity and remains of a B.IV, we can’t restore one. We have the remains and identity of an NF.36, so that is what we are going with. Had we been donated a B.IV, or an FB.VI or a PR.XVI then we would have approached the CAA on that basis.

  164. All good points from David. KA114 is closer to an FB6 than the Canadian built FB26 it is meant to be. It doesn’t even have Packard built Merlins never mind the original engines. The USA now has a flyable FB6 (in effect) so I believe that most support for a British Mosquito would be for a standard bomber version – probably a B4.

  165. david elvidge

    Can you tell us just what you have been gifted from this Mosquito? all we know is its about 10% , just where is the manufacturers serial plate on a Mossie? on a Spitfire its attached to frame 5,so if you have that you can rebuild a new Spitfire using that identity. Mossie KA114 was not a complete airframe when it arrived in New Zealand ,engines and cowls I m sure being amongst the metal work added from other airframes, in the successful rebuild. Glyn Powells Mossie I don t think will be built from one complete airframe, but a collection of metal parts from various airframes . So where does your identity come from?
    The NF36 was too late for war time service,so I m sure you would get more support for an example used during the war, a NF X111 for instance?!at least a prettier nose!

  166. I grew up near BAE and always ran out into the garden when I heard thoses engines. This is great news and I’ll give my support 100%. Keep up the good work

  167. Why all the questions about the nose? As long as she flies again I will not complain! The most important point is the guys doing this are doing it or the love of the aeroplane and are rightly keeping the aeroplane original. Good luck to all involved and to those who would prefer a fighter bomber, find one, get some backing and do it yourself!!

  168. Samantha Richards

    Hi I simply cannot wait to see a mosquito flying in uk air space again. It’s been 16 years since I saw RR299 fly over The mosquito museum 🙂 it will happen I’ve got my fingers and toes crossed. Keep up the good work and bring the wooden wonder back into our sky’s x

  169. All the comments and reasoning in the world will not alter the inevitable, that most people will be against financially supporting the wrong aircraft.

  170. I simply cannot believe that the well-meaning people behind this potentially exciting project are still talking about constructing an ugly nosed version of this beautiful aircraft. Please, please join the world the rest of us live in and focus on a standard bomber or fighter bomber version.

  171. I found out about this project a little while ago, quietly following it with interest and thought I’d say hi. My great uncle was RM Clarkson (OBE) the chief aerodynamicist at de Havilland and was heavily involved in the design of the Mosquito as one of the lead designers of the team during the war and beyond. It’s been a while since I last saw one flying, and heard the wonderful thumping of the engines across the skies with those twin Merlins. Looking forwards to seeing how it all progresses!

    1. Hi to you Hamish, and thanks for showing interest. It seems we owe a debt of gratitude to your great uncle, and we look forward to putting his work to very good use in due course. Thanks for getting in touch.

  172. Now that it looks unlikely that “The Peoples Vulcan” will remain airworthy after next year perhaps aviation enthusiasts will transfer their support to another icon of aviation history “The Peoples Mosquito”?

    1. Thanks for your comment. As individuals we are all great supporters of XH558: a beautiful sight and an awesome sound, and she will be very sadly missed. Of course we would welcome her supporters with open arms when the time comes!

  173. David Ashworth

    Whilst I admire the people concerned here and strongly support this project I do share other people’s concern that this particular NF variant aircraft will not be “a typical Mosquito”. There will doubtedless be enough challenges in store without making the task more difficult still by choosing this option. One of the key characteristics of “The Wooden Wonder” was its wonderous original appearance. I wonder if XH558 would have won the hearts of the British public if it had exhibited a thimble nose? Appearance matters – a lot! I do appreciate that it is not easy to find an alternative but if this particular “restoration” is virtually a total rebuild then why bother – why not reincarnate a 100% replica of the shape we all know and love. Having said this, is it really totally impossible to take an existing Mossie in a museum somewhere and get that flying?

    1. Hi David, and thank you for your kind support and also your passion for all things Mosquito. Yes the ‘wooden wonder’ was a superb looking aeroplane; to many the most beautiful is the fighter bomber version. Certainly the most wanted variant desired, we suspect, to return to the UK skies. RL249 was designed as a night-fighter, whilst we understand the view it was not the most attractive of aircraft, the night fighter played a massive role in Britain’s air defences and also in the intruder role over Europe. The night fighter equipped many squadrons of the RAF in WW2 and was only replaced in the mid-1950’s when the jets finally caught up! We also want to restore as close as possible to the original OEM for the identity. However we welcome your comments and will consider them with others received in this area. It also tells the story that she was the first truly multi-role combat aircraft. Look we could have chosen the TT.39! Look that one up under ‘ugly & weird’.

      In terms of taking an existing museum Mosquito, then, yes please if you can persuade one to be donated! However the CAA will require full reconstruction of all wood construction and critical flying controls. So only the airworthy metal bits, instruments and rarer pieces e.g. spinner backing plates, gun bay latches etc could be re-used.

      Hope this answers your questions.

  174. Latest update with regard to DH Mosquito HJ767 :

    The field has been harvested and a ‘sweep’ will take place before the ‘winter’ crop is planted at Bunny. The memorial brass plaque to the aircraft and it’s tragic crew, to be displayed in the church at Bunny is going to be blessed’ at 6pm on the 11th of November 2012. Wing Cdr. Bill Ramsey is most welcome to attend if he can make it, along with anyone else. I understand via a phone call today, that the remains of the aircraft will be on display also in the adjoining hall. It would appear, that the aircraft was operated by 605 Squadron and that included an American pilot, and the aircraft had a ‘kill’ a JU88 !!

  175. Andrew Crosby

    An excellent project, I can’t offer much but will make a donation and spread the word. Aircraft like this are part of our heritage and every effort should be made to keep them flying. Just watching your film clip and listening to the Merlin engines as it flies by is an absolute pleasure. I look forward to seeing her fly again in the not too distant future.

  176. As a keen worker for the Farnborough Air museum (FAST) I am so pleased to see this project start. The Mosquito being one of my favourite a/c. New Zealand have launched a new flying replica which will end up in USA, so it is right that the UK should have a flight worthy version of this Iconic a/c and being a restoration will add a real sense of history to the project. Well done and good luck

  177. A truly wonderful idea getting a mossie back in UK skies would be a remarkable feat and boost the interest of many In our aviation heritage. Good on you good luck!

  178. Keeping you up to date from NZ – the Jerry Yagen DH98 Mosquito at Ardmore, KA114, successfully completed three flights yesterday!!!

    Looked and sounded beautiful.

    Just has to have the engine cowlings painted and she will be all ready for Saturday’s show.

  179. Can’t wait to see the fruits of your most worthwhile labours gracing the skies once more – where she belongs. Good luck with the project, and hopefully you will find your way to Manston at some point, where I was lucky enough to sit in a Mosquito a few years ago.

  180. I’m spreading the word at every oppertunity. The poor souls who had the misfortune to be anywehre near me at the RAFBF day at East Kirkby yesterday must have got bored of me talking about a Mossie graceing such events in the future.

  181. David Elvidge

    I have just returned from Canada where I was fortunate to see the Calgary/Spartan Mossie at Nanton and be there for the official hand over ceremony, Theres a massive workload to produce a fine example , and I ve no doubt they will do it .they are a very committed group. Id love to help with the peoples mossie in any way I can! I echo Ben Jacksons comments as a fellow BCH member , if Bicester has the space we d love to have it therei!.CWH at Hamilton are rebuilding a Blenheim.,in front of it they have a board that says: “Those who say it can t be done ,. Should stop and talk to those doing it” .. .. It won t be easy,we know that ,but anything worth doing never is. Lets spread the word!

  182. Great project, will spread the word. If Bicester areodrome gets to be a heritage centre around Bomber Command would be great to have you based there – nice and central to the UK and there was a Mossie on site in WWII

  183. Weeks Mosquito coming to UK ? The very thing I suggested !! ‘JL’ has been sent a copy of an e-mail, I came home to tonight. Anyone heard anymore on this ?

  184. I wish you you all the best with this project a very wothy one at that ,It is nice to see a very increased interest in the old war birds and for me the moggie as i affectionately call it you cant beat the sound of two mighty merlins together .

  185. What a great project as I am a keen Mosquito fan. Me and my father both worked at Hatfield and he was in the RAF during WW11. My mother inlaw is the daughter of J Walker who took part on the Mosquitos first test flight. If we can help in any way please ask.
    Good Luck

  186. The very best of luck with this magnificent project – it’s time a Mosquito took to the air again in the UK. My father was with 192 Squadron (Sgt Fitter IIA) and did a full Mosquito course at Hatfield. Strange as it might sound, he never touched one again being allocated to B Flight and the HP Halifax. At 91 1/2 he’s probably too old to help out!

    1. A few facts on HJ767:

      HJ767 was a 60 OTU machine. This FB.VI was built at the main factory at Hatfield, as part of a follow-on contract, the serials of which were HJ755 – HJ792.

      60 OTU was the ‘Intruder’ OTU, and used a mix of NF.II, FB.VI, T.III and towards the end, B.XVI aircraft. Typical unit strength (February, 1944) – 11 T.III, 17 NF.II, 14 FB.VI

      Based at High Ercall, Shropshire, HJ767 was on a ‘nav ex’ (Flt Lt J K de Roeck – pilot, Sgt F.W.D. Hearn – navigator) on the night of 17th June, 1944. Engine trouble lead to an attempted forced landing close to Bunny, Nottinghamshire. Both crew were killed.

      Interestingly, 60 OTU has no Association of past members, and neither does 31 OTU, with which they merged during April, 1945.

      1. The ‘owner’ of the fiels has given Graham Norbury and his friends with the Bunny historical group the ‘three green’s’ to search for more remains, and when the date of the search happens, I hope to be there with them to see what turns up.

  187. Hi, best news I have heard for a long time, where is the aircraft going to be assembled? I hope it is not to far from Banbury.
    As a enthusiast of the Mosquito for many years and having spent many hours at Salisbury hall studying the aircraft down there and also following the Avspec rebuild I can only wish you all the best in what will be a very worth while project.
    If there any way in which I could help please do not hesitate to get in touch.