Following the release by the Royal Mail of its RAF Centenary #RAF100 commemorative stamps, it provoked some discussion among the TPM Board. No Bomber Command representation? Or as our Ops Director Bill Ramsey exclaimed: “Nimrod, aka the ‘Might Bunter’. Maybe responsible for making more cadets airsick than any other aircraft!”
So what do you think? What would make your top 10 RAF aircraft of the past century?
Post your suggestions, along with a line or two as to why certain a/c stand out for you and you could win one of our limited edition, original de Havilland drawing A2 posters, personally signed by former Mosquito aircrew, Colin Bell DFC and George Dunn DFC.
Anyone can join in, but to win the prize you either need to be a current TPM Club Member (easy to join at, or have signed up for our free newsletter, The Buzz (easy to sign up at
Closing date is 1 April – to mark the exact anniversary of the Royal Air Force’s foundation.
Entries will be judged by the TPM Board and the winner contacted via email.
It’s got to be the Vulcan Bomber for me because it might have only seen action once but it flew like there was a fighter trying to get out and I will never forget the time as a child when we were drive past the end of the runway when one did a scram takeoff, first we were plunged into darkness and then the car just shuddered with all that power.
Hi Christopher,
Delta Lady, The Tin Triangle, call her what you will, the Vulcan certainly was a memorable aircraft and arguably way ahead of its time when it first entered service. Our Ops Director, Wing Commander Bill Ramsey, has many fond memories of the type, but given the choice always says he’d swap the V-Bomber for his Grob Tutor – apparently it was much more satisfying to fly 🙂