Operation Carthage – The Shell House Raid – 21st March 1945

By the end of 1944 the Danish resistance movement in Copenhagen was in danger of being wiped out by the Geheime Staatspolizei (Gestapo). Many of their leaders were arrested and a lot of material was filed in the Gestapo archives in the Shell House (Shellhus in Danish) which was located in Copenhagen. To address this situation leading members of the resistance movement requested an attack by air on the Shell House via SOE (Special Operations Executive) in London.

Shell House before
The Shell House prior to the attack – the camouflage is clearly visible

On 21st March 1945, after several months planning, 20 Mosquitoes from RAF 2nd TAF (Tactical Air Force) escorted by 28 Mustang Mk. IIIs from the 11th Group took off from RAF Fersfield in Norfolk. 18 of the Mosquito bombers were F.B. Mk. VIs, from 21 Sqn RAF, 464 Sqn RAAF and 487 Sqn RNZAF, from No. 140 Wing, and 2 were Mosquito B. Mk. IVs from the Photo Reconaissance Unit/Film Production Unit (PRU/FPU).

The Mustang Mk. IIIs, from F/Lt. David Drew’s No. 64 and Maj. Austen’s No 126 Squadron (Austen from Norway, KIA May 1945), had 3 Mustangs abort the mission shortly after takeoff: F/Lt. Sharpe and F/Lt. Holmes both from No. 126 Sqn and Sgt. Wyting from No. 64 Sqn who was hit by seagulls.

The Mosquito force attacked in 3 waves: the 1st wave with 7 Mosquitoes (one PRU/FPU), the 2nd with 6 Mosquitoes and finally the 3rd wave with 7 Mosquitoes (one PRU/FPU). The primary objective for the Mustangs was to attack flak positions in central Copenhagen.

Roof-top mossies
Mosquitoes fly at roof top level over Copenhagen, heading for the Shellhus

When the 1st wave passed the Enghave Station, Mosquito SZ977, ”T for Tommy”, with Pilot W/Cdr. Peter A Kleboe and Navigator F/O Reginald J.W. Hall, hit a 30 metre lamp post and then the wingtip of their Mosquito hit the roof of No. 106 Sønder Boulevard. The two 500lb bombs ripped off and exploded killing 12 people. The aircraft crashed seconds later in a garage near the French Jeanne d`Arc Catholic school at Frederiksberg Alle. The forward section, including the cockpit with the two crew members, was thrown down on Dr. Priemes Vej and they were badly burnt. Pilot W/Cdr. Peter A. Kleboe and Navigator F/O Reginald J.W. Hall were laid to rest in København Bispebjerg Cemetery on 28th March 1945.

The rest of the wave with Bateson, Carlisle, Air Vice-Marshal Basil Embry, Henderson, Hetherington and Moore found and bombed the Gestapo Headquarters successfully. Six bombs exploded in the Western wing and of the nine prisoners in this part of the building, six were killed instantly and one more died when jumping from the 5th floor to the ground.

The 2nd wave got confused by the smoke and flames from Kleboe’s crashed Mosquito and attempted to bomb the crash site but W/Cdr. Iredale realized the mistake before he bombed and turned towards the Shell House but two of the Mosquitoes in the 2nd wave dropped their bombs on the Jeanne d`Arc school and only F/Lt. Smith was able to bomb the Shell House.

W/Cdr. Denton’s 3rd wave approached Copenhagen from the West. All but one of the Mosquitoes dropped their bombs by mistake on the Jeanne d`Arc School killing 86 children and 16 adults out of 482 children and adults, while 67 children and 35 adults were wounded. Mounted on the wall of the Shell House today is a bronze-cast of a propeller from one of the crashed Mosquitoes. A plaque is placed below the propeller with the names of the nine crews members who were killed in the attack.

F/O Bob “Kirk” Kirkpatrick (an American serving in the RCAF), flying one of the FPU aircraft, recounts some of the action described above as it unfolds:

“On March 20th I flew a Mk. IV Film Production Unit Mossie to (RAF) Fersfield where I picked up a Sergeant camera man preparatory to our following Operation Carthage, the raid on the Shell House building in Copenhagen. We followed 21, 487 and 464 squadrons and filmed as much of the raid as we could.

As I was about 2 minutes from target I saw four Mossies coming from my left and turning east towards a big pile of smoke, I thought “Am I lost?” They have navigators and they were so close I either had to turn right 360 or get close to them because of the delayed action bombs. 30 seconds for first 3, 11 for 2nd three. I slipped right next to #4 and we went thru the smoke and they unloaded their bombs, unfortunately as we later learned on the French School.  I was carrying incendiaries and told to drop them a few blocks from the target to create a diversion in case some of the prisoners were able to escape. Turns out I burnt up a few houses east of the school and west of Shellhaus. Our windscreens were fouled with salt spray and difficult to see through, this precluded my right 360 and prompted me to join the four from 487 [Squadron]. As it turned out 464 Squadron, the second wave, also were diverted by the school crash and missed their run-in, they orbited and the leader bombed Shellhaus, 2 were shot down and one took his bombs home. Good news, bad news; had 464 been successful in their orbit and 487 on target, 487 would probably (have) been blown up, had everybody been on target, no prisoners would probably have survived.”

Mossies Shellhus PRU
Mosquitoes flying low over Copenhagen during the raid – PRU/FPU following on the right

Most of the Mosquito Mk. VIs taking part in the attack returned safely but F/Lt. Pattison and F/Sgt. Pygram’s Mosquito NT123 was hit by flak over Copenhagen harbour and announced over the radio that they would try to reach Sweden. However, with the left engine on fire they had to ditch East South-East of Hven, about two kilometres off Hakens lighthouse, not far from Sweden. The crew was seen to crawl on top of the floating aircraft by locals at Hven but because they did not have any boats that could go out in the stormy weather they contacted the Island Police who called Landskrona in Sweden for help. Sadly the two airmen had drowned by the time help arrived and were both listed as KIA. The wreckage was located after the war, but there was no trace of either of the crew.

F/O ”Shorty” Dawson and F/O Murray’s Mosquito SZ999 was hit by flak on the return trip at low altitude and crashed into the Nyrup Bay, about thirteen kilometres north of the town of Nykøbing Sjælland. Both of the crew were KIA. The wreckage was found later, washed ashore in Nyrup Bay, but there was no trace of Dawson or Murray.

The formation then turned to the West and precisely at that moment F/O ”Spike” Palmer’s Mosquito RS609 was hit and he and Fenrik Becker (from Norway) crashed into the sea. Both were KIA. A body was recovered to the east of the island of Samsø and was laid to rest in Tranebjerg cemetery on Samsø on 26th March 1945 as an unknown airman. In the year 2000 it was proved by Danish researchers that the body that had been buried was that of Fenrik Becker.

F/Lt. David Drew, in Mustang Mk. III, HK460 from No. 64 Squadron, was hit by flak from the German light cruiser Nürnberg during the raid and crashed in flames at Falledsparken. He was buried in København Bispebjerg cemetery on 28th March 1945.

During the return flight Mustang KH446 was also hit by flak, and P/O Robert ”Bob” C. Hamilton had to belly-land near Lomborg. Hamilton was unhurt and started walking towards the farm of Anne Jacobsen on the Bølvej road. He was quickly captured by the crew of the German observation post at Sortehøj Hill, located less than a kilometre from the landing site. The guards had been able to see the Mustang for miles and tracked him down before he reached Bølbæk stream and he had therefore no chance of escaping and he became a POW.

A total of four Mosquito Mk.VIs and two Mustang Mk. IIIs were lost with 9 crewmen KIA and 1 POW.

All fourteen prisoners in the Southern wing of the Shell House survived as this part of the building was not bombed. The three remaining prisoners were under interrogation on the 5th floor, one of whom died. 18 out of 26 prisoners survived the bomb raid. A total of 133 Danes died during and after the raid. Telegrams from Copenhagen modstandsbevægelse (Resistance Movement) thanked the RAF for the successful raid, and with the destruction of the Gestapo archives the threat against its members was neutralised.

Shell House 2 mths on
The Shell House seen two months after the attack

Lead Navigator on the raid was Acting Sqn Ldr (later Air Commodore) Ted Sismore, sadly no longer with us, who shared his story shortly before his death in Ed Balkan’s fascinating short film “The Shell House Raid” (Journeyman Pictures 2012) narrated by actor Martin Sheen. This superbly produced and moving tribute to the raid features interviews and archive footage of the raid itself. A trailer is available to watch here.

Sqn Ldr E.B. (Ted) Sismore DSO DFC – Lead Navigator, Operation Carthage


Some of the prisoners in the Gestapo Headquarters:

Poul Bruun

Lt. Carl Wedell Wedellsborg, died later from the wounds sustained when jumping from the 4th floor.

Lt. Ole Stang – killed

Admiral Carl Hammerich was killed, his body never recovered.

Poul Sorensen (Secretary-General-Conservative Party), was saved by a doctor. Police Commissioner Jorgen Odmar, who had worked with Sorensen in the past, sent him to a hospital were the doctors fought for his life for several months. He survived.

Morgens Prior  – badly beaten by Gestapo, he died later from wounds sustained when jumping from the 4th floor.

Capt. Peter Ahnfeldt Mollerup (Copenhagen Resistance Headquarter)

Mogens Fog

Professor Poul Brandt Rehberg

Aage Schoch – two days after his escape from the Shell House, he rejoined the Danish Freedom Council (Frihedsrådet).

Ove Gesso Pedersen

Police Inspector Lyst Hansen

SOE agent Poul Borking

Carl Hocke – killed

Helmuth Jensen – killed

Jorgen Palm Petersen – killed

50 German personnel and 47 Danish collaborators were killed.


Find out more:  and 

Also more here on the Danish Resistance Movement and the Freedom Museum.

With thanks to:

TPM Affiliate Robert Peel

Vintage Wings of Canada

Dansk Militaerhistorie

Ed Balkan/Journeyman Pictures

The Imperial War Museum

This post is based on a number of articles and web posts combined with our own research.

The People’s Mosquito is not responsible for external sites or their content.

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71 thoughts on “Operation Carthage – The Shell House Raid – 21st March 1945”

  1. Does any one here have any information on Warrant Officer Eric Leslie Green, (known as Les) who was a navigator in 464 Squadron RAAF. He was Mentioned in Dispatches – presumably in respect of his actions on Op. Carthage.

    After the war Les returned to Australia, became a teacher in the NSW regional town of Canowindra, married and had 4 kids.

    We (Canowindra Historical Society) have Les’s RAAF service file etc but we would be interested in find out more about the aircraft he was in etc.

  2. Have been learning about and researching Operation Carthage recently and this page is a fantastic find, thank you.

    I am planning on visitring Copenhagen for teh 80th Anniversary next March. Does anyone know of plans for a commemoration then?

    Thank you

  3. Pingback: The British Mosquito once carried Niels Bohr in its bomb bay by pepys - HackTech

  4. I am contemplating to build a 1/48 scale diorama of that mosquito hitting the lamp post. However, I have not seen any reference pictures for the impact scene. Does anyone have a picture of this? A drawing is still good enough.

    1. It was not a plain lamp post but a floodlight mast above a marshalling yard.
      As such it was no instant crash. The aircraft crashed in a Catholic school some distance from the strike, but it is impossible to exploit in a diorama as the school following was thought being the target and got bombed by at least two Mosquitoes!

  5. I only today seen the awful bombing of the school where so many futures were suddenly cut cruelly short.
    I understand fully the prisoners with vital information must not be allowed to give it.
    The Human Body can only stand so much.
    The SOE were right to ask the RAF to destroy the jail in which they were being tortured.
    What a tragedy tho for the school to be bombed.
    Using bombs that plunged deep with timers made matters worse.
    But no Airmen were to blame.
    It was a simple but tragic mistake.
    During the madness of war.
    I hope no child suffered and that if death had to come to them that day it was instant and painless.

  6. Where is Derek Carter these days?
    I worked with him in the 90’s and have a copy of the painting.
    Would like to know as he is well respected in our eyes for doing all the research on this amazing operation.

  7. Marianne Wedell-Wedellsborg

    Thank you to the heroics of these pilots I’m here. My dad, Ebbe Wedell-Wedellsborg, was a prisoner of the Gestapo in the Shell House as was my uncle, Karl. My dad escaped during the attack but, sadly, my uncle died after jumping from the 4th floor. There’s absolutely no animosity from the Danish people because of the tragic hit on the Catholic School. It was war, after all.

    1. Oliver Wiggins

      I am watching the 2022 film right now, it’s towards the end. I had never heard of this bombing before and honestly it’s absolutely heartbreaking. I can’t remember the last time a film moved me like this. Those poor children..

      I take a little consolation in knowing that the Danish people don’t hold this against us and it was indeed a tragic accident and not the intent of RAF bomber command but even so; my heart bleeds for the children and the families.

    2. MY uncle was also on the sixth floor. According to his daughter, my cousin, said he was moved just hours before the bombing to be interrigated. I do not know where he was moved to, or if he escaped, or what.

  8. Good afternoon,

    I have had the chance, the honour and the privilege to meet the late Lieutenant General Aviator ( retd ) Michel ” Mike ” Donnet D.F.C. ( Belgian, R.A.F.V.R., 102522, 1917 – 2013 ) on several occasions ( three wonderful interviews, ceremonies, funerals, etc… ). By the time of ” Operation Carthage “, Acting Wing Commander ( A/W/Cdr ) Donnet D.F.C. was the C.O. of the Bentwaters Wing ( equipped with Mustang Mark IIIs ). Briefed by Flight Lieutenant David Arthur Drew D.F.C., ” Mike ” took part in the operation, escorting the Mosquitoes. Here is an excerpt from his first book ” j’ai volé la liberté ” ( 1968 ) :

    On March 21st, a quite special mission leads us to Copenhagen. It is Flight Lieutenant Drew who told me the details about it, not without a certain excitement, for he himself has planned everything with the greatest care, so that will be successful. ( … ) The first Mosquito dropped its bombs as planned, but one of the following caught on a pylon with his wing and crashed. ( … ) The Mosquitoes’ third wave is there. It dives into the target. I realise that one of ours is hit and it strikes a blow at my heart. It’s Drew ! He is on fire. He has taken a direct hit from one of the ships’ gun. He keeps heading for the ship and, continuing firing, crashes into the sea. ( … )

    Have you seen Skyggen i mit øje ( The shadow in my eye, 2021 ) ? I watched the film last week, on Wednesday. Since 1996, I knew about ” Operation Carthage ” and its fatal consequences for the civilian population, but not in details. As a true R.A.F. and Commonwealth air forces’ enthusiast, I have noticed several mistakes in the very film.

    I would be glad to share more details about the very mistakes.

    Good day to you.

  9. Michael Rogers

    ‘Netflix has picked up the distribution rights to the ‘The Bombardment’ ( or as it’s otherwise known ‘The Shadow In My Eye’ (‘Skyggen i mit øje’ in Danish) which covers this event from the Danish perspective and will release the movie in March 2022.

  10. Theres a film out now on Netflix called the Bombardment (also called Shadow in my eye), its very moving. Kleboe and Hall’s last moments you wont forget as they struggle to keep it Mosquito airborne.
    The Danish film has good production, and doesnt preach or condemn, but does its best to show many angles as they might have been. Some things have been changed, character names etc and obviously its a film, and not a documentary so its very much a speculative narrative, I hope it wont offend relatives of the pilots or the children, Nuns and teachers that died.
    Its as much about the children as the pilots and that is also so sad and moving, creating some moving stories around the disgusting horrors of war, but also how humans can reach out to one another in such terrible moments.

    All the best to you all on this site, thanks for detailing such a tragic story for everyone involved.

  11. My father was the sole survivor of a bomber shot down over Denmark and is document as the first Allied airman to escape from occupied Denmark. Just before setting off by kayak he was given a picture of the Shell House and given a message requesting that the RAF bomb the Shell House. That was in May 1943, That was confirmed by the man who had given him the message. When he and I talked about the raid he thought it had been a major success, though the accident and loss of life was unfortunate. He had worked in that building and knew that a low level attack could work. Incidentally, I have my father’s ID photo taken in the downtown police headquarters and phots of him and other resistance workers sightseeing in Copenhagen the day before his escape. A woman Resistance worker took him for lunch at the Hotel L’Angleterre.

  12. Richard Stokes

    I am English and married to a lovely Danish Lady. I later found out that my Mother-in-Law was an 8 year old survivor from the school. She was trapped for 12 hours under a staircase surrounded by a number of her dead friends. She is still alive today and about to celebrate her 85th birthday.

    I also went to school in Diss, which is less than 5 miles from Fersfield Airfield

    1. Andrew Wright

      I knew nothing of these tragic events until 3 days ago when my wife and I were visiting Copenhagen. On Monday, we were walking along Frederiksberg Alle when we found the memorial to those who died in the French School. All are named on surrounding plaques. As a Brit, I felt terrible about the deaths of these innocents.
      In the last 2 days I have learned all about Operation Carthage and visited the Shell House site. The Gestapo had been expecting a raid since their HQ in another Danish city was flattened by the RAF in Oct. ’44. With that I mind, I can only marvel at the bravery of those who flew towards the well-defended target.
      My Dad was a Mosquito navigator for a time in WWII, thankfully not on this operation.

  13. Peter Hunter

    Does anyone have details of the Route, inbound and outbound, flown by the Mosquitos on this Raid? I have been able to plot the exact departure airfields, outbound and inbound turning points of the Dam Busters’ Raid, and the Amiens Prison and Oslo Mosquito Raids, using Google Earth to create a visual representation of these. I’d like to do the same for the Copenhagen Raid. I’d need a copy of the Operations Order, or a flight plan prepared by one of the Navigators… or similar detailed document.

    1. Helo mister Hunter – I happen to know a guy who lives in an apartment just in front of the terrain where the Mosquito hit the steel-tower. You look directly out on the railway-system from his windows and the plane must have flaxed right over his house before dropping the bombs only few block further on.
      I therefor found maps that show the in-flying last fall. They are accessible on the web.
      Whether all machines took the same path is a another question. As you know they came in in waves.
      Best Thoughts from central Copenhagen

  14. Does anyone know where to find first box/wave pilot Mac Hetherhington‘s account of the attack? I’ve seen it in Danish language in the book Shellhuset – 21. marts 1945 by Jan Møgelbjeg, but there is no indication of the source.
    Best regards Jakob

    1. Cynthia Richards

      Mac Hetherington is my uncle. He died almost 50 years ago but my father told me of that raid many times. Mac never flew again for the rest of his life after the war.

  15. Matt Eastwood

    Just read through this excellent series of comments. Was there a memorial service in March 2015? Are any of the aircrew who took part still alive?

    1. People's Mosquito

      Thanks Matt, pleased the content has been well received.

      Operation Carthage continues to fascinate and generate much debate. While the Mosquito is often associated with these types of low level strikes, Carthage reinforces the considerable and very real dangers faced by crews and civilians on the ground from such raids,e sepcially in built up areas.

      The crews who returned from the raid were haunted for the rest of their lives by the memory of those young lives lost in the raid. To the best of my knowledge, the last surviving aircrewman who flew on the raid was RCAF 21 Squadron pilot, Flight Lieutenant Bob Kirkpatrick, who passed away in 2014.

      The raid itself is commemorated every year by local residents in Copenhagen.

      Stewart Charman
      Communication Director

  16. Chris Hamilton

    This is a great read for someone who’s father was involved as a pilot of the Mustang that was shot down and taken POW.
    Robert “Bob” Chisholm Hamilton. (KH-446)
    He was an RAAF pilot flying with the RAF. (409141)
    Only weeks after he died (1984) I received a phone call from a museum that has part of his plane.
    At the time I didn’t follow up on this information, but now I would like to know who the museum is?
    If anyone can help, thank you.

    1. Hi Chris,
      I have the Perspex side panel from your father’s Mustang III (KH446) taken from the crash site at Lønborg on March 21, 1945. I have further information as well. Please contact me via Messenger on Facebook; https://www.facebook.com/Derekdca
      Derek Carter

    2. Hello Chris, how amazing is the internet, It is incredible finding your comment here, I was looking more information after I saw the movie The Bombardment and wanted to know about your father’s life, so May I ask what happened after he was taken prisoner? How/When he was liberated?


  17. Kenneth Jensen

    Just a quick note – the “Shell” in the name refers to Shell Oil (Royal Dutch Shell). This building was the HQ of Shell Oil in Copenhagen, which was requisitioned/utilized by the Gestapo. I’ve been to the location a number of times – until recently Shell Oil operated a service station/car wash there; these days the Shell brand is not visible on the outside. You can get a street view through Google – the corner of Kampmannsgade and Vester Farimagsgade. The RAF memorial (mounted mosquito propeller blade and plaque) also is visible on Google street view.

  18. When I was about 15 in the 1960s I learned of this raid. I asked my father about it and he said never to mention it if I went to Denmark as we had bombed a school by mistake. About 15 years ago I visited Copenhagen and the Resistance Museum but could not see any reference to the raid. I felt embarrassed as I asked the attendant for any information whereat his eyes lit up. He said I was the first to ask and would I like to see some video! This made for a memorable visit, my fears were allayed and all was well. Apparently the story that we had bombed a school was propaganda put out by the Germans at the time to deflect the success of the raid, and the attendant explained it was the price they had to pay for freedom.

    1. People's Mosquito

      That’s interesting and I can understand your hesitancy in bringing the subject up. Sadly the school was hit and, as the article says, 86 children and 16 adults were killed. It was a dark day for the RAF, but as the attendant you met said, it was the price of freedom. A terrible price, but the alternative was tyranny in the form of fascism. These low-level ‘hit ’em fast, hit ’em hard’ attacks, on the whole were very successful, but, one would imagine, for the people there was often no warning and no time find shelter. Very sad. But it’s good to hear you had a positive experience when you visited the site.

    2. I’m sorry Alan, but saying the school bombing was propaganda is a lie. I’m a History Major, who lives very close to where the school was, AND works at the Resistance Museum, and it happened and there’s several places in the museum where we mention it. You can still see several residues in the street near where the school was, from the school bombing. Over 80 kids died, it was a mistake, but it was not propaganda. There’s plenty of footage and pictures from the bombing and the rescue attempts after.
      People died, most of them young girls below the age of 10, and saying that it was propaganda is an awful thing to do and a disservice to their memory.
      I have a hard time imagining one of my co-workers would say that, and if they did they should be fired.

      1. Chris Hamilton

        Hi Rikke, do you know if part of the Mustang KH446 that crash landed is in the museum?
        My father was the pilot R.C.Hamilton, taken POW.

        1. Licetta O McKittrick

          I lived closed to that School, and just a little further is Frederiksberg Have, that was where the damage Plane was hitting for, but did not make it, and yes the next wave did bomb by mistake, also many of the casualties was a result of all the water from the many Firetrucks ended up in the basement bomb shelter where the children and the Nuns where, so they died of drowning. I was 17 year old at the time, I am now 90 and remember it as it was yesterday.

          1. People's Mosquito

            Good afternoon Licetta,

            Many thanks for contacting the project regarding your vivid memories of that fateful day in March 1945. It must have been truly terrifying to witness and the aftermath of the raid is typical of the tragedy and human loss to emerge from those dark days. That tragedy is made even more poignant by the fact that so many children lost their lives as a result of a mission designed specifically to minimise civilian casualties and disrupt the work of the Gestapo in Denmark. It remains a testament to the people of Copenhagen that despite the loss of life on the ground, the lives of those crews lost on the raid continue to be commemorated in the city.

            The TPM team.

          2. Hi Licetta. I go to DIS and my Danish Culture class is doing a project on the monument built as a result of the bombing. I was wondering if you could talk to us about what you remember and know about the event? Thanks.

  19. Pingback: Serially Lost part two | Maria Holm

      1. Cynthia Richards

        I tried to link to the page you posted with the Carthage crew but it said ‘page not found’. My Uncle was Malcolm Hetherington and I would like to know more about his service. He refused to talk about the war and never got on another plane from the day he left the service to his death in 1972. Any information would be great. Thank you

        1. People's Mosquito

          Hi Cynthia,

          Thanks for highlighting the broken link. You can view the complete Journeyman Pictures film here.

          It’s a useful insight into the controversial raid itself. As for your Uncle’s service specifically, it might be possible to search @1 Squadron’s Operations Record Books (ORBs) via the National Archives. The Second World War Experience Centre now holds the former archives of the former of the Mosquito Aircrew Association. That might also be a useful source of information if you wished to research further.

          Kind regards,
          The TPM Team

        2. Hi Cynthia,
          I have researched Operation “Carthage” extensively for many years; I have further information regarding your late uncle Flt. Lt. T M “Mac” Hetherington and his navigator Jack Bell. Please contact me via Messenger on Facebook; https://www.facebook.com/Derekdca
          Derek Carter

  20. Hello, I am a volunteer at the Bentwaters Cold War Museum and have been researching the Shell Haus raid over the past few years to add information to our archive. The Mustang squadrons, 64 & 126, flew from Bentwaters and we are therefore very intereted in the posts on this subject. I would like to know more of any event that is planned both in Copenhagen or the UK to celebrate the 70th anniversary of the raid. I am planning to make the trip to Copenhagen and would love to meet up with anyone who is also attending .. I see David Drew is planning to go and I am of course very keen to make contact with him. If anyone can put me in touch with official or otherwise organisers of anything in Copenhagen I’d be most grateful

  21. Monica Catherine

    Having made the visit last May it is unlikely that I will go to Copenhagen this year but would certainly attend any commemorative occasion in this country – perhaps Runnymede….have discovered an interest Page on Face Book on the Shell House Raid. Just joined.

  22. I’d also be interested in attending any ceremony to mark the 70th anniversary of the raid. David Drew was my uncle and I spent nearly 37 years as a pilot in the RAF. I was fortunate enough to attend the unveiling of the Shell House memorial on the 50th anniversary of the raid and Derek Carter masterminded an excellent visit programme. Several other members of the Drew family are also interested so we may make a visit anyway.

    1. Don’t currently know of any ceremony planned to take place, and it would be surprising if there was none. Either way, the trip sounds a wonderful idea. Please let us know how it goes and maybe share some photos. If you wanted to do some kind of “report” we’d be more than happy to publish it on here. Thanks.

    2. Interested in your response to Carthage article as I am archivist for 64sqn association. Would be interested in additional information concerning your uncle if any is available. Regards Clive Morris

      1. Clive
        I will be going to Copenhagen for the weekend 21-23 March and will hopefully learn more about the raid and will obtain my uncle’s log book. Thereafter I’m happy to correspond via e-mail. My address is: david.drew@aol.co.uk.

        1. Chris Hamilton

          Dave, my father was witness to your uncles crash as a fellow Mustang pilot.
          When I was a child he talked his name with deep regret when describing the raid.
          He has said a few words here that may be of interest.
          He died in 1984, a farmer in Victoria, Australia.

    1. Hi Russ – presumably you mean the BBMF? You’d have to ask them. It would be great if there were plans for a flyover or something. With any luck (and plenty of donations!) we will have a UK-based Mosquito to participate in the 75th or 80th anniversary commemorations.

    2. Monica Catherine

      Would be interested to hear of any occasion that will commemorate the Shell House Raid carried out 70 years in March

  23. Pieter Coetzee

    I happened to know a very nice guy from England, now living in Copenhagen. His name is Derek Carter. Peter Kleboe was his uncle. Derek researched the raid bomb by bomb. He also found a lady who owned the dog tags of F/Lt David Drew which Drew managed to handle over while mortally wounded still in the crashed Mustang. Derek obtained those and managed to return the tags to the family, as he told me. He also found a piece of the elevator hinge (!) of Kleboes Mosquito near the lamp post it hit. This piece is still in his posession as far as I know. But my informations are about 10 years old. I bought an artist print of the raid which Derek ordered to be made and signed, with the signatures of all the aircrew still living at the time the print was made.

    1. Hi Pieter, Thanks for getting in touch. We know Derek – he made contact with us earlier in the year. He did mention the print you talk about and we look forward to seeing it at some stage.

      Thanks again,

    2. Myrna stabenow [ Elgie]|

      Hi Pieter, im so interested in the picture [ print] of the raid on copenhagen. Is there any way i would be able to find this print to purchase it.?? Im in canada and have searched for a very long time on this raid.. It would make an exceptional movie to pay tribute to those that gave their lives for so many others.my email follows if you can contact me soon. Thankyou so very much!

  24. My brother suggested I would possibly like this website.
    He was entirely right. This post actually made my day.
    You can not imagine simply how so much time I had spent for this info!

  25. Monica Catherine

    Recently returned from Copenhagen visiting the memorials to the RAF, Resistance, and St Joanne d’Arc school. Met three danes who were able to tell their association of the time. Heroic story. My uncle F/O Fergus T Murray navigator and his pilot R Dawson flew their mosquito with 464 squadron. KIA on their return over Nyrup Bay RIP

    1. Derek Carter

      Dear Monica, please contact me regarding your Uncle, F/O Fergus Thomas Murray, I have more details regarding his loss and service with 464 Sqn. My email is; derek29dk@yahoo.dk.
      Regards, Derek Carter

      1. Monica Catherine

        Many thanks for your response to my posting. I certainly would be most interested to hear of any further information you may have so will be in contact with you.
        Regards Monica Catherine

    2. Cherie Daniel

      Hi Monica,
      I have just found this site after years searching for relatives of F/O Fergus T Murray as my uncle was Fergie’s pilot F/O Ronald George “Shorty” Dawson and I would like to share a story I wrote a good few years back about my uncle using letters my father received from his old air force buddies in 464 squadron.
      I don’t know if you knew but uncle Ron was an Australian fighting with the British and I also live in Australia.
      I hope this gets to you (I see your post is dated 27th May 2014) and you are interested in reading the story which mentions your uncle and the great friendship they shared.
      Kind Regards.
      Cherie Daniel (nee Dawson)

    3. Hi Monica
      I have just seen your message.
      Am in Copenhagen and just visited the memorial plaque at Shell House. My aunt Bridie Murray was married to my uncle Fergie Murray!
      Perhaps you would like to email me.
      I have been in touch with Derek Carter.

      1. Does any one here have any information on Warrant Officer Eric Leslie Green, (known as Les) who was a navigator in 464 Squadron RAAF. He was Mentioned in Dispatches – presumably in respect of his actions on Op. Carthage.

        After the war Les returned to Australia, became a teacher in the NSW regional town of Canowindra, married and had 4 kids.

        We (Canowindra Historical Society) have Les’s RAAF service file etc but we would be interested in find out more about the aircraft he was in etc.

  26. Pingback: Lazlo Ferran | Operation Carthage – The Shell House Raid – 21st March 1945

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